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33 year old suffer from planter psoriasis. Developed alopecia areata. Not responding to steroids. Any suggestions? 8 year old with stomach pain, nose bleeding. Are these both related?? Had unprotected sex. Took Nextchoice pill. Had bleeding. Having delayed period. Pregnant? Thigh bone, calf bowed inwards. Causes limping, pain when walking. Advised surgery. Suggestions? Blood in stool, pain in the anus. Did sigmoidoscopy. Diagnosed with internal hemorrhoid and fissure. Need immediate cure? Pregnant not gaining enough weight. What should be the proper weight gain? Pain in the groin area, lower back. On pain medication. Need to find the root cause 22 weeks pregnant. Developed boil in ear. See the doctor? Pytosis. Have weakness of extremities, melanoma lesion removed, myasthenia gravis. Had a PET scan. Treatment? Suffering from sensorineural hearing loss. Having sinus problem, nussel polypus. Chances of damage to right ear? Severe pain under ribcage. Difficulty in breathing, moving etc. Reason? Child passing stools pale in colour. Vomitting yellow liquid. See the doctor? Intermittent fever, headaches, shakiness, rash on back. Suggestions? Had complete hysterectomy. Having pain in groin area radiating to hip. What could this be? MRI shows mild tendinosis, mild acromioclavicular joint osteoarthritis. Advised surgery. Opinion? X-ray shows cervical spine lordosis. Having severe headaches, neckpain, dizziness, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision. Suggestions? Had pelvic ultrasound. Doctor confirmed pregnancy of 4 weeks. LMP shows 6 weeks. Normal? Scabs on lower lip, upper chest, legs. What could it be? Ligament tear, fractured hamate, 5th metacarpal, dislocated 4th metacarpal. Hand surgery done, 5 k wires used. Healing time? Underwent treatment to remove warts. Prescribed creams. After 9 months, still have marks. Solution? Heavy periods with blood clots. Ultrasound, pap smear normal. Having pelvic discomfort. Reason? Had irregular periods. Used clomid. Got periods. Had clear and stretchy vaginal discharge. Due to ovulation? Experiencing abdominal cramping, backpain. Not bladder or UTI. What could it be? Have test report. Can any online doctor help me to read it? Dislocated foot previously. Had cast, plenty of rest, foot exercises, medicines. Foot still hurts. Reason? Diagnosed with SLE. Multiple lumps around neck. Told it is inflamed lymph nodules. When is testing required? Had hysterectomy. Having abdominal pain. Pains before passing gas. Having light fever. Suggestions? Had uterus, left ovary removed. Popping sensation on right side. Triggered sharp pain when breathing. Internal problems? Having post orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Having shortness of breath, nausea. Suggestions? Red bumps with dark centers on hands. Sore to touch. Red blotches on arms, legs. Suspecting scabies. Suggestions? Itching in face. Suspecting scabies. Contagious? High liver enzymes levels, high cholesterol levels. Suggestions? Child done with lab work. Is this normal? Child might have accidentally taken aspirin. Solution? Switched to Zoloft 50mg. Had stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, dull headache. Gastrointestinal upset due to switch? Stomach gurgling, red blood during bowels. Reason? Have karyotype blood results, have XXY chromosome, TRT reports nil. Can I become a father? Itchy rash on vagina. Painful to touch. Due to ingrown hairs? Had sex, feeling of pregnancy symptoms. How to get sured? Child having bloated stomach, gas, burping, stomachache. Suggestions? Ears constantly plugging up. Back of skull very tender, regular headaches. Suggestions? Lump on right side of stomach beside hip bone. Could I just be feeling the bladder? Have pimples that leave marks on face. Cure? Suffering from hemicrania continua. Treated for continuous migraines. Developing intolerance towards medicines. Suggestions? Tickling sensation in chest. Related to anxiety, stress? 3 months pregnant. Tested positive for TPHA. What is it? Missed periods. Pregnancy tests negative. What could it be due to? Significance of placing iron rod, keys in the hand of a person having seizure? Continuous pain in the right side of head. Cause, treatment? LMP Feb 8th. Took pregnancy test on Mar25th. Positive. When did I concieve? Suffering from hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency. Had seizure/aura. Reason? Chest x-ray shows mild bilateral apical pleural thickening. Has shortness of breath, coughing. Suggestions? Changed from Crestor to Lipitor. Having pain in kidneys when blowing nose. Kidney damage? Post menopausal woman. Polyp found on uterus. Visible difference between cancerous and non-cancerous polyp? Pain in right arm through collarbone. Causing sleeplessness. Suggestions? Heavy things fell on head. Having big cuts on scalp. Having occassional blurry vision, popping in ears. Suggestions? Loose motions black in colour, vomitting. Taking medicines. Matter of concern? Red rash on penis. STD, HIV negative. Rubbing monistat on penis. Suggestions? Bedridden after chemo for breast cancer. Diagnosed with acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy. On feeding tube. Suggestions? Cold, cough with dark brown mucous. Diagnosed tracheitis. Prescribed amoxicillin. Suggestions? Child having rash on hands. Allergic to cows milk. Has goats milk. Cause of rash? Sore red line behind knee. Red itchy rash on lower legs. Suggestions to aid recovery? Suffered from pelvic upslips, knee pain. Soreness in lower vertebrae before bowel movements. Suggestions? Slower metabolism irrespective of level of activeness. Having heat rash followed by dizziness. Cause? Drastic drop of SGPT from 157 to 65. Normal? Hit on nose. Nose swollen. Having nasal congestion. Permanent damage? Rh negative. Do I need a blood test to check if sensitization has taken place in body? Had migraines from a long time. Extreme knots in shoulder, neck. Which specialist should I see? Skipped Microgynon. Had sex with condom. Having light periods. Chances of pregnancy? 36 weeks pregnant. Having irregular contractions, mild cramping. Baby still breech. Could I be dilating? Had molar extracted, dental implant inserted. Having muscle spasms on left side of face. Unable to open mouth. Suggestions? Folliculitis. Rashes, ingrowth, infection, unable to shave, have bumps, popped them out, crippling effect, redness and painful. Reason? 22 week ultrasound shows ventricles dilated to 13mm, water on brain. Indications? Lump on stomach with black dot in center. Growing in size. Sore to touch, slightly inflammed. Cause? Bloating, vaginal dryness. History of bacterial vaginosis. Suspecting SIBO. Cause of vaginal dryness? Foreskin swollen after masturbation. Amxious. Reason? Pain in upper right abdomen. Due to gall bladder issues or pulled muscle? Irregular eating habits. Having hypoglycemia, nausea, dizziness, weakness, tremors, headache, vomitting. Matter of concern? Chest mucus, black stringy substance in stools, difficulty passing stools. Father has cf gene. Advise? Having mild asthma, moderate acid reflux. Having breathing problems, burping. Suggestions? Having loss of apetite, frequent urination, sleepiness, headaches, cramps . Pregnancy test negative. Still be pregnant? Having sore throat, coughing up green phlegm. Swollen lymph nodes causing sleeplessness. What could it be? Burning, cramping in lower left quadrant. What could it be? Tooth rubbing against the flesh leaving a sore dent. Solution? Lump in the crease of the thigh. Grown in size, itchy due to sweat. Solution? Gums bleeding non-stop. Became worse after using Corsodyl mint mouthwash. Suggestions? Persistent bloated stomach. No help from medicines. Suggestions? Constant excessive gas. Having benign goiter on left thyroid. Taking natural supplements. Reason for gas? 39 years. Grey beard and some grey hair on head. Any reason other than stress, pigmentation, malnutrition etc.? Child drank floor cleaner accidentally. Put water and spit it out. See the doctor immediately? Cracks below head of penis. Heals with the use of antiseptic cream. Affects sex life. Suggestions? Small purple outgrowths in vagina. No pain. Periods regular. Serious? Tiny black dots under penis. Itching. Diagnosed as fungal. Opinion? Cold, cough. Sharp pain in the left side of ribs towards back. What could it be? Baby recovering from croup. Coughing, straining before and after coughing episodes. Normal? Suffering from tinea curis. Prescribed medicines. Had temporary relief. Permanent solution? On clarithromycin for tonsilitis. Take 500mg of vitamin C after antibiotics? Having level 3 lumbar spinal fusion. Fell and have crippling pain. What could have happened? Fell, hurt back of head. Unable to walk. Having memory loss. Prescribed Valprol CR, Pacitane. Opinion? Excessive vomitting, sore muscles, sore breasts after conception. Suggestions? Recurring red, itchy skin on labia. Sometimes have bump. Reason? Dizziness, heart palpitations, metallic taste in mouth, sore neck, pricking sensation in left side of face. Suggestions? Having dizziness, headache, stomachaches, sore throat, dry mouth, popping in ears. Suggestions? Vomitted. Bloody spots in both eyes. Swelling around eyes. Matter of concern? Having low EF, cardio myopathy, sleep apnea, depression. Drug user. Does not take medicines properly. Suggestions? Dizziness, memory loss, blackout, numbness in mouth after waking up. Diagnosis, solution? Severe stomachache. Lowers when non spicy food is eaten. Prescribed medicines. What could it be? Child having hearing loss. Suggested Cochlear implantation. Can cure with homeopathic medicine? New born baby in ICU for breathing issues. Being tested for cocci. What is it? Had pituitary surgery, CSF leak previously. Having pain in arm, severe headache, CSF leakage from nostrils. Cause? Red, swollen bump on forehead. Told it is spider bite. On antibiotics. No improvement. Suggestions? Had blood with mucous after masturbation. Lost virginity? Extreme stress at home. Having heartburn. Drinking lot of water. No help. Suggestions? Lump in back, oozing pus. Suffering from anxiety, panic disorder since 15 years. Cause of lump? Child having vomitting, diarrhoea. Lost apetite. Prescribed medicines. Suggestions? Side effects of taking Nano Leo tablet, Zydolisis MD 20? Small white bumps on penis shaft, head. Oozes pus. Become scaly after pinching, squeezing. Suggestions? Itchy bump on back. Small bumps around it when scratched. Multiplying. What could it be? Taken Utovlan to stop the bleeding. How long after taking the last day of tablets should i expect the bleed to start? Prescribed Glucophage 850mg to improve ovulation. Saw on internet that it is prescribed for diabetes. Suggestions? Hearing voices but do not see anyone. Reason? Having late periods, brownish discharge, stomach sickness, heavy breathing, chills, vomitting. Pregnancy test faintly positive. Suggestions? Had sex withdrawal method. Took Nordette. Failed to take 2nd dose. Chances of pregnancy? Post thyroidectomy ultrasound shows hypoechoic nodule within zone 2 on the left. Indications? Skipped Mesigyna shot. Having frequent urination, swollen abdomen. Pregnancy test negative. Still be pregnant? Breastfeeding baby. Losing weight so much so that veins are sticking out. Take collagen supplements for youthful appearance? White bits on inside of cheek, lump behind ear, breathing problems. Family history of cancer. Suggestions? Having nausea, upper right quad distention, diarrhea, black stools, loss of apetite, tiredness, sleepiness. Suggestions? Experienced blurred vision, intense neck pain, dizziness, nausea, headache. Due to vertebral artery damage? Tingling, pain in leg, buttock. Experiencing bouts of indigestion. Solution? Pain became worse after filling cavity. Had migraine. Not able to differentiate the pains. Solution? Had sex with condom. Having red lesion with black dots on penis. Bladder discomfort, frequent urination. Reason? Frequent bowel movements, oily yellow stools with blood. Colonoscopy normal. Symptoms of colon cancer? Cleaned ear with qtip. Hearing muffled. Due to pushing wax towards ear drum? Indentation present behind skull, sudden pain on tying hair. Medical attention needed? Having abdominal pain, diarrhoea, frequent urge to evacuate bowels. IBS symptoms? Suffering from jaundice during pregnancy. Delivered dead baby after a week. Reason? Suffering from dermatitis. Red lump on face. Discharging watery substance. Solution? Popping in upper neck/lower head. No pain. What could it be? Bad habits of chewing nails, eating thick hair on scalp due to stress. Cure? Feeling dizzy and nauseous due to low blood pressure. Low hemoglobin levels. Taking iron. Vomiting stomach irritation. Why? Suffer from chronic IBS. Incomplete bowel movements, stomach pain and gas problem. Need a solution Pregnant took macrobid for UTI. Thick urine with mucus. Need to be concerned? Stopped taking pills due to spotting. Pregnancy tests positive. Tenderness in stomach near belly button. What is happening? Suffer from diverticulosis. Strong pain in the colon, loss of appetite, pain in the back and nausea. Are all these related? Having brown discharge, sore, big breasts, sensitive nipples. Chances of pregnancy? Had unprotected sex. No periods this month. Chances of pregnancy? Pus cells, RBCs in urine. High cholesterol levels. Suggestions? Pregnant feeling tightness in the upper abdomen after eating, nausea. Is there any risk involved? What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 herpes? Tingling in legs, vagina. Caused by trapped nerve from sitting too much? Ultrasound shows evidence of diffuse renal parenchymal disease. High blood urea, serum creatinine, serum sodium levels. Suggestions? About to undergo IVF. Sperm motility poor. Suggestions to improve motility? Using sex enhancing drugs for enjoyment during intercourse. No longer have erection. Solution? Dizziness when turned head to extreme right. Noise in ears, nausea. Scan shows nothing abnormal. Inner ear related? Trying to conceive, having nausea, vomiting, cold sweats, brown discharge. Early pregnancy symptoms? Did not ejaculate inside. But, having delayed period, white thick discharge. Related to pregnancy? Sudden attacks of tachycardia after root canal treatment. Heart pounding, shortness of breath even after taking medicines. Cause? Having pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy tests negative. Had partial removal of fallopian tube. Matter of concern? Small child, sore red anus, pain on passing stools. Using metanium cream. Cure? Child had ear infection, fever, sinus congestion. Having tiredness, weakness, ear pain, stomachache, vomitting. What could it be? X-ray shows thoracic dextroscoliosis. Can it affect the tests which are required for travelling abroad? Had depo shot. Having nausea, intermittent stomachaches, dizziness. Side effects of depo shot? High cholesterol levels. Do I need medications or can lower the cholesterol by lifestyles changes, exercies and diet? Trying to conceive. On fertomid, delayed menstrual cycle. Pregnancy a possibility? Pregnant, suffering from lower abdominal pain, yellow vaginal discharge. Signs of infection? Difficulty in breathing, sweating profusely after doing a shoulder shrug in gym. Reason? Child tripped, fell and cut the bridge of nose. Developed bump in the area. Suggestions? Cold, bronchial infection. Pain in surgical incisions when coughing. Suggestions? Suffered a head injury, having frequent headaches, loss of concentration. Treatment options? Pain due to ovarian cyst. Passed out and hit left side of head. Having headache. Suggestions? Diagnosed with non-displaced laterial tibial plateau fracture. Healing time? Sudden tiredness in upper arms, lower back, legs, swollen. Could it be RA? Infant puking all of sudden, no fever, lost appetite, diarrhea. Could this really just be teething or something more serious? Taking LOVAZA, Red Yeast Rice 600 mg. Could this make blood sugar levels run high? Headache, no feve, intense itching towards the back below the breast line, painful. Cause and cure? Weight and fats in body increasing day by day, taking orofer xt. Is that medicine useful? Had stomach bug, fever, pain behind ear, neck, swelling/pressure. Is this normal? Suffering from itchy red rashes on skin, on amiodarone. What can be done? Child complaining of sudden tailbone hurting. No injury. What could it be? Chest x- ray taken. Have cold. Advised Aigmentin. Side effects? Period is late. Have white discharge, and abdominal pain. HPT is negative. Cause? Mild tooth discomfort, swelling, pus busted out, yellow, terrible taste. Can it be treated? Ignored by boyfriend, feeling frustrated, angry and upset. Advise? Ovaluated, ejaculated inside, having light pink brown spotting, mild headaches, nausea, slight heartburn, abdomen pain. What could be wrong? Skin reaction resulting in tiny whiteheads, red bumps all over my forehead, T-Zone. What this might be? Got diarrhea, pregnant. Hoe to get rid off it? Pregnant, abdomen pain. Is it possible the pain is caused from the baby, stretching of ligaments, something serious? Burning urination, slow urine stream, urine analysis, usg normal. Cure? Using bar soaps causes severe back-ne. Could i be allergic to something in the solid soaps? Experiencing sore breasts, fluid gets released on squeezing, HPT negative. Reason? Abcess on lower-front gum line, pain. How to get rid off it? Got Medtronic Spinal Stimulator Implant. Does only MRI reveals MS? Trapped my thumb in work, swollen, sore, tender to touch, pain around wrist. What it could be? Telminorm not available. Alternate medication? Reddish rash on the face. Any medication? Smelling bad. Is there any connection to any type of drug use? Suffering from cold and cough. Have breathing difficulty. Suggestions? Pain in the upper abdomen, dark stools. Bacterial infection? Dizziness, nausea, bleeding. Negative PT. What is this a sign of? Chicken pox scars, black spots on face. Vitamin b supplements taken, calamine lotion, aloe based gel applied. Advise? Got sun burnt. Took medication for acne, had dehydration. Blisters all over body. How to cure? Pain in the lower back. muscular pain? Period delayed. On dicynone. Will it show results? Pus filled bumps on the face. Bacterial infection? Medication? Burning sensation in stomach, gurgling noise, tightness in chest, spasms, empty stomach sensation. What is going on? Clogged mouth roof, discomfort, dryness in uvula, foul smell. What is it? Had an abortions, excessive green discharge with foul smell, lymph nodes in groin. What is wrong? Tests show hemoglobin level, ESR level, monocytes, blood urea, serum creatinine abnormal levels. Control diet? Spotting, no fetal pole. On pause MF. Done Ultra Sound. Help? Pregnant. Taking utrogestan. Can I continue with it? Pregnant. Have bleeding, cramps. Low HCG levels. Miscarriage? Had a cesarean delivery. Bloated tummy. Solution? Have skin infection, plugged ears, irritable bowel, swelling. Taking clindamycin. Further? Have hep c and cirrhosis of the liver, colon cancer, spot on lung, cancer in bones. Tried chemotherapy. Life span? Asthma, blood infection, black rashes on skin. On telukast, symbion. What may be wrong? Painful breasts, bleeding. Had surgical abortion. Taken contraceptives. Suggestion? Have pimples, sweating and itching in genitals. Using shower gel. What is the solution? Has bleeding, had sex without condom. Given postinor. Suggestion? Infant has eczema and hives on forehead. Breast fed. What is going on? Diabetic, BP issues, diagnosed as mildly prostate. On velta. What now? Swelling, redness and pain on the toe, joint pain, discoloration, soreness. What is wrong? Sickness, fever, excessive sweating, bleeding from nose. What is going on? Diagnosed with Lichen planus of mouth, hands and feet. On prednisone, dapsone. Continue it? Humming and ringing in the ear. Crackling noise from the ear. Tinnitus symptoms? Low WBC count, low iron in blood, spleen enlarged, low immunoglobulin. Help? Pregnant, measured fundal height, baby's bladder distended. What is the meaning of this? Nauseated, vomiting, diarrhea. Tried ginger. What is the solution? Have weakness, lightheadedness, low thyroid level. What can be done? Have anaplastic oligodandro glioma. On levipil. Taken radiation and chemotherapy. Worry? Missed period. Taken susten. Am I pregnant? USG anomaly scan shows small choroid plexus cyst, associated with chromosomal abnormality, risk for trisomy. Help? Diagnosed with collapse of lung with large pleural effusion, minimal contralateral mediastinal shift. Meaning? Pregnant, have brown discharge. Taking Nora-be. What is it? Penile discharge. Taking allopurinol. Reaction to the drug? Sickness, nausea, lower back pain, green discharge, headaches, low appetite. On anti depressants. Related to being alcoholic? Having progressove pain in left hypochondriac region radiating to back. Gastroscopy, CT scan, USG, CEA done. Cause and treatment? Have itchy skin. Has raised scratch marks on itching. Taking Loratadine. Cause? Pregnant, resting heart rate is ~ 95-100 bpm. Is this normal? Is this an indicator of poor cardiovascular health? Rashes due to poison ivy. Diarrhea and stomach pain. Taking prednisone. Are these related? PCOD, stomach ache. Prescribed meprate. Positive pregnancy test. Help? Swollen and sore area near thyroid, swollen glands in the neck. Infected tooth getting removed. On antibiotics. What would you suggest? Have medical report. Can any online doctor help me to read it? Had penis yeast infection, using travocort, pain under penis head. What can be done? Not able to see clearly after playing colors, cornea or the upper layer of eye peeled, prescribed Atrocin. Cure? Have CT scan report. Can any online doctor help me to read it? Have CT scan. Can any online doctor help me to read the report? Tender head, shuttering or stumbling, low memory, chronic back pain, Thinning of hair and dry skin. What could all this be for? Has vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, arms and leg pain. Serious? Rapid heart beat, chest pain, breathing difficulty, cold sweats, nausea. What is wrong? Experiencing lower back pain, tenderness in tailbone, sore buttocks, numbness in legs, pain in rectal area. Is this sciatic? Burning sensation from sternum to scapula. On flamivir. What is the cause? Multiple sclerosis, painful, spasms in legs. Taking carbomezaphine. Sufficient? Painful thigh, sleeplessness. What can help heal? Experienced on and off discomfort from hemorrhoids, pain in perineum, swelling. Will I be okay? Missed period, weight gain. Negative PT. Taking sandoz. Suggestion? Delayed period, less bleeding, dizziness, vomiting, headaches. What is wrong? Abdominal pain. Reports showed bulky uterus, seedling fibroids, cystic lesion, adnexa abutting uterus. Meaning? Black spot below eye, increasing, spreaded over half of face, suffering from indigestive problem. Cure? Not pregnant, menopausal, have thyroid problems, feeling extremely hot . What this could be? Suffering from febrile seizures. Prescibed encorate, eptoin. MRI, CT scan normal. Safe mediction for long term use? Trying to conceive, dark brown vaginal bleeding, nausea, enlarged breasts. Early pregnancy symptoms? Diagnosed with pelvic floor tension myalgia. Having trouble bowel movement. Muscles are unable to push, can t pass gas through rectum. What is wrong? Have acidity, heartburn, nauseated. Taken omprazole. Cancer related? High BP, headaches, sickness in tummy, blurred eye sight. On lisinopril. What now? Bleeding in nose, painful eyebrows, blood vomit. What is wrong? Piercing in chest, yellow discharge, heart aches. What is going on? Nausea, dizziness, cold sweat, weakness, shivering. What can be done? Had unprotected sex. Have back pain, foul smell, brown discharge. Pregnant? Have PCOD, irregular period, over weight. Can we have a baby? Unprotected sex. Had swollen lymph node, fever, diarrhea. Suggest? Have hyperuricaemia, joint pain, myaligia, have bilateral renal gravels. Help? Trying to conceive. Taking nacifil. Done blood test, HSG test. What is going on? Spot on the leg since birth. Getting harder. No pain. Need to get checked? Period started. Can I take Norethisterone to stop it? Suffering from hunger and weight gain. Is it possible to have diabetes or lymphoma and gain weight? Have all pregnancy symptoms. Is it possible for a woman to get pregnant after a tubal? Dizziness, vomiting and pain after head being hit. Have nausea. Concerned Child has fever. Widal test shows platelet count 1.2. Meaning? Pregnant, pressure sensation, heaviness in lower abdomen, swollen feet, low bp. Causes for symptoms? Suffering from tooth pain, abscess, decayed tooth, large lump under skin near nose. Medical attention needed? Having small penis size, feeling shy while urinating. Can I have a healthy sexual life? Had heart surgery, suffered a severe nose bleed. Cause of worry? Having oily, itchy scalp, male pattern baldness. Taking biotin, applying manexill, no relief. Permanent cure? Mandible jaw surgery. Maxiofacial surgeon. Get a second opinion? Undergone appendisectomy. Bulge at the incision. What is it? Pus discharge from nipple, swelling, painful. What is it? Was on albothyl treatment. Stopped during mensuration. Can I continue it? Pain in left arm, chest, have GERD. Done lipid profile test. Triglycerides high. Sounds like? Suffering from constipation, hard stool. On laxiwal syrup. What is wrong? Diagnosed with costochodritis, excessive sleep, tingling in left arm, vertigo. On prednisone. Help? Unprotected sex, dry patch of skin on penis, red spots on masturbating. Yeast infection? Legs and hands pain. Suffering from Diabetes type 2, high triglycerides. On heptral, tonact. What is wrong? Infant has seizures, high fever. On epilex. Done CT scan, EEG. Suggest? Infant diagnosed with stomach infection, yellow stool, fever. What is wrong? Pain between thigh and pelvis, left leg hurts in certain positions. Treatment? Unprotected sex, delayed periods, clear stringy mucus. Missed birth control pills. Pregnant? Joint pain, shivering, sore throat with phlegm, ear pain. Treatment for symptoms? Pregnant, wants to abort child. Medications for abortion and risks to future pregnancies? Headaches, sore throat, hips, stiff hands, red knuckles, puffy fingers. Diagnosed with costochondritis. Advise? Small red pimples, scabs on penis shaft, cuts on foreskin. Causes for symptoms? Frequent urination, abdominal pain, irregular periods. Have ovarian cyst. Suggestions? Diagnosed with lymph node tuberculosis. Prescribed AKT4, no relief. Treatment for infection? Painful stitch like sensation on stomach. What is it? Suffering from PTB in upper lungs, scars present on lungs. Medication to eliminate scars? Have been operated by hysterectomy, overy and uterus has been removed. What are the findings? Can mold on a bathroom wall cause Tonsillitis? Is it dangerous to pregnant women? Man with h/o gay relationship facing premature ejaculation. No Erectile dysfunction. Highly excited about sex. Wants to marry. Remedy? Severe itching, bumps on inner thighs, near pubic hair. Tried neosporin, betnovate. Permanent cure? Period has not commenced even after 40 days. Taking duphaston since 3 days without results. Pregnancy test negative. What is my problem? Diabetic woman taking Glycomate, Glucomate, Galvasmet, Atocor, Telsartan. Is it safe to start on Nutrilite Glucose Health & Protein Powder? Extracted wisdom tooth. Took dalacin antibiotics. Having itching, white coating on tongue, bitter taste, heart burn, acid reflux. Remedy? Bitten by bed bugs on eyelids and face, swelling, itching. Treatment? How can I interpret my UFR test which says urine is pale yellow, slightly turbid, PH 5.8, faint trance of proteins? Taking macox plus 600for pulmonary tuberculosis. Urine color orange due to medicines now normal. Is this dangerous? What is tightness of throat veins which relieves with balm application but resurfaces on consuming orange juice? Feeling worms crawling in skin, invisible bugs everywhere, especially at night. Red dots on skin. What is this? Took Zomig for migraine. Can the fogginess, heavy headedness, puffy eyes following day be side-effects of Zomig? Trying to conceive. HSG showing unicornuate uterus, left tube patent. IUI suggested. Chances of ectopic pregnancy? Feet are tingling, painful, not numb. Blood test- normal. What causes this extreme sudden discomfort? Popping and clicking sensation in left knee, occurs on bending knee, walking, sitting. Treatment for symptoms? BREECH presentation shows single viable fetus with anterior upper segment plcenta. Umbilical cord shows three vessels. Meaning? Kidney transplantation. Urination issue. Do kidney biopsy? Cardiomypathy, ejection factor 28, triventricular defibrillator. Leep procedure done, ovaries removed. Adriamycin chemo taken, taking coumadin. Advise? Skin becoming darker after hemodialysis. Why? Can you explain the x-ray report? Lesions of PTB, bullous formation Chronic hepatitis. GOT and GPT levels high. Taking viriad. What does it mean? Normal liver ultrasound Child had blood shot eye, got medication, no help. What to do? Have laparoscopy results. Can any online doctor help me to read it? Had ear infection, cured, still problem persists. Permanent cure? Black fluid coming out of thigh, not itchy, no bleeding. What is this? Pregnant through IVF. Had spotting, bleeding. Used cyclogest. Stabbing pain on right side. Is it serious? Affected by alcoholic cardio myopathy, mild diabetic, stopped alcohol. How long can i live? Back pain, hip pain, unable to stand, ankle pain. Diagnosed as PIVD. How to reduce pain? Diagnosed with pneumonia in the past. PTB still seen in the x-ray. What to do? No symptoms Hard lump on c6-c7, nerve pain, muscle spasms in area. X-ray normal. Treatment? Infected tear duct in eye, nasal swelling, clear watery discharge from nose. Treatment options? Numbness in the toe. Have diabetes. Nerve damage? Taking lyrica How to reduce my sweat pores size present on either side of cheeks? Stool color of infant dark green, black spots. Presence of WBC and RBC, Pus in stomach? Suffering from pimples, dark spots on face. Using retino-a, some relief. Will melacare forte cure dark spots? No growth spurt. Have hit puberty. What to do? Pain down to chest, above stomach, Ayurvedic dr suggested gall baldder stones, took cap, no relief. Permanent cure? Bloated stomach, queasiness, fluid discharge from anus. What is it? How to reduce weight. On diet, doing exercise. Had intercourse before and after periods. Chances of pregnancy? Excessive thirst, bloated, dark urination, rheumatoid factor high. Done blood tests. What does it mean? Ultrasound resulted gestation, but no heartbeat seen. Collapses yolk sac. Is there a chance to get pregnant? Pain in the ovary area after hysterectomy, spotting. Diagnosed with slow transit bowel. Reason? Have tobacco and smoking addiction. Headaches, feeling depressed. Can you suggest anti-depressants? Blocked throat sensation, throat infection, fever. Is it cancer? Treatment? Baby did not pee for 4 days. ave solid food. Tummy is tight. What can be done? Liver function test done. What does the report indicate? Severe depression, kidney pain, lack of concentration and shortness of breath. Any suggestions? Frequent cold and cough. Need a remedy? Can I take pantadoc and montex? Bruised lower spine with pain. Reason? Digested small pieces of ceramic knives with food. Bloated, stomach pain and breathing problem. Remedy? Having scanty, watery period. Had a drug after sex. Will I have problems in conceiving? Sore wrist, black spots on body. Bone scanned. Advise? Child with pus in urine, fever. What is causing the UTI? Got a bump on my left buttock. Got bigger and harder. Precaution to be taken? Lymph nodes noticed around groin and neck. Painful at times. Had unprotected sex. Worried Not able to conceive due to thyroid problem. How much thyronorm should I take? BREECH presentation shows single viable fetus with anterior upper segment placenta. Umbilical cord shows three vessels. Meaning? Injured foot, pain in knee. Using splint and crutches. X-ray shows no damage. Advise? Had uncontrollable shaking from pelvic area with abdominal and pelvic pains. Had happened before. Reason? Swollen tonsils and throat irritation. Smoking cannabis. Is that the reason? Have pain under left arm to back left side. Had anxiety attack. Advice? Mood swings, sudden passing outs after having bypass surgery. Possible causes? Abdominal pain after stopping enema. Advise? Tender bump on vagina, white discharge. Done blood tests. On apo madroxy. Herpes? Red bumps and sores on foreskin and white discharge. What is wrong? Stressed, hemorrhoids, fissure, bleeding, discomfort. What is the condition called? Have irregular period. On contraceptives. Is this a sign of infertilit?y Pregnant. Have PCOS. Had abortions. On duvadilan. Suggestion? Addicted to opiates, broken ankle. On detox. Treatment? Sexually active. Irregular period, cramps, spotting. On pills. What is going on? Pain in the chest radiating to the back. Had a spinal surgery in the past. Reason? Diagnosed vocal cord polyp. On homeopathy. Surgery? 18 year old suffering from asthma and allergies. What would be triggering it? Delayed period. Had unsafe sex. Taken postpone 72. What should I expect? Taking biotin supplements. Multiple negative pregnancy test. Is this something I need to get checked out or should I simply stop taking the vitamins? Frequent UTIs. Frequent urge for urination, fouls mell from vagina. Suggestions? Teeth started breaking and one has big hole. Have toothache. Gum is reducing. Cure? Burn on the wrist from an oil spill. Applied soframycin. Turning yellowish. Is it normal? Pregnant with light abdominal cramping with soft stools. Increased vaginal discharge. Worried Boil like sores on lower abdomen in close proximity. Constant oozing of clear fluid. Breast cancer survivor, overweight. Worried Mesh fixed to repair hernia. Have a permanent cramp in the pelvic area. Anything can be done? Child had increased frequency of passing stool. Prescribed Zinsy causing vomiting. Suggestions? Had sex. Missed periods. Chances of pregnancy? Repeated throat infections. Klebsiella positive. Bactrum prescribed. Is there a permanent solution? Diagnosed with PCOS. Planning for a baby. Took fertyl tablets during periods. No periods now. Pregnant? Mild pain in the lower abdomen above the testicles. Hernia? Lipid profile showing high cholesterol levels. Prescribed with tonact, finate and ecosprin. What all food to be avoided? Reddish color on the penis with a pus filled spot. STD? Severe itching in the labia majora. Normal pap smear test. Spots on the clitoris. Concerned Had surgery for inguinal hernia and varicocele. Enlarged scrotum after surgery. How long will it take to recover? Problems with reading, looking at screens, writing. Mixing up letters. Unable to concentrate. Dyslexia? Blood in stool, stomach pain. Sigmoidoscopy shows widespread aphtous ulcers, piles and active colitis. Need further diagnosis? Sweaty feet. Could it be due to thyroid problem? Had fever, cough during periods. Had light bleeding. Low haemoglobin levels. Prescribed medicines. Reason? Home pregnancy test shows positive. Having movable bumps on stomach. What could it be? Constipation, stomach pain. Stopped drinking alcohol. Normal? History of abortion. Cause of bleeding during pregnancy? Recurrent fever. Taken medicine for urine infection. Normal blood sugar level. Reason? Done HIDA scan. May be pregnant. Damage to fetus due to Lortab? Wrist pain, swelling, shoulder pain. Need help Coughing, white phlegm with blood, pain in ribs Done semen analysis. Is the report okay? Stomach pain. Positive H-pylori test. Taken Prilosec. Ultrasound shows thick gall bladder Had PID and laparoscopy. Nausea, tender breasts, cramps. Gastritis or pregnancy? Urge to pass stools after meals. Want medication Cuts and bruise on forehead due to accident. Normal CT scan. Swelling in forehead, around eyes. Reason? Migraine, chest and back pain, pain in head. Meaning? Redness on scar, pus discharge, fever, cold sweats, frequent urination. Infection? Had knee surgery previously. X-ray shows bone spurs. Grinding, clicking sounds in knee. What could it be? Weakness in body, shivering, sweating, headache after taking pylo kit. Side effects? Getting treated for rheumatic arthritis, have hypothyroidism. Chances of a safe pregnancy? Irregular periods, brownish discharge, tiredness, nausea and headaches. Tubal ligation done. Any solution? Inflamed knees, armpits, baker s cyst, chronic bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, multiple autoimmune issues. Advise? Hurting sensation in the vaginal area after passing urine. On plenty of fluid not helping. Worried Brown Sugar addiction. How can I quit? Would Trimodol help? Not feeling cold after being exposed to very low temperatures. Is it a problem? Sore throat, fever, chills, sleeplessness. Done strep test. On antibiotics. Suggest? Swelling around the eye and nose. What is it? Rashes in the groin area, reddish bumps. STD? Have chest pain. All test done. Taking medicines. Is angiogram required? What is an internal fever? What are the symptoms? Numbness in the arms and legs, stiffness in the joints Sore chest after an accident. Not responding to panadol. Need to see a doctor? Husband does not have firm erection. Has delay ejaculation. Cause? High risk gestational diabetes, tingling sensation in head, fingers. Had C section. Further? Diagnosed with liver abscess, low Hb and platelet count. History of asthma. Doing platelet transfusions. Enlarged spleen Lower acute stomach pain and back pain, vomiting. Breast feeding. Treatment? Having red bumps, scabs on penile shaft, shaved pubic hair, not sexually active. Causes and cure? Fluid in right ear, painful. Taking antibiotics, no results, tried cleaning ear, blood. Suggestions? Child with swollen spot on the leg after a fall. Taking ibuprofen. Treatment? Passing excessive gas, sharp pain in rib cage, diarrhea. Due to excessive consumption of diet coke? Taking medicine to lower SGPT. Difficult to sustain erection. Related? Pain in the left arm. Have marijuana addiction. Serious? Itchy reddish bump on the vagina, infected belly button. Are these related? Trying to conceive. Have PCOS. HMG shots prescribed. Is there a chance of miscarriage when I stop taking the hormones? 11 years old,Uncoordination when playing sport,hand tremor,lack of output when it comes to writing tasks.concerned ?what is the reason? Dry chapped lips with bruise. Need to see a doctor? Dizziness, lightheadedness and chest heaviness. Normal EKG. Was it a heart attack or stroke? Need hormone test? Bleeding with pain during bowel movements. Polyp growth in the rectum. Need suggestion Had unprotected sex, delayed periods, back pain, morning sickness, stomach bloating. Negative pregnancy tests. Pregnant? Having vision dark and blurry, dizzy spells. Low blood pressure? Swelling in the body and legs. Normal kidney and urine tests. Is this elephantiasis? Constant shaking and twitching of hands after hearing a loud sound. any solution? Rashes on left hip, spreading to inner thighs, both hips, back, itchiness. Treatment options? Sudden elbow pain, swelling, diagnosed as bursitis. History of MRSA in opposite elbow. Cure? Delayed periods, stomach bloating, metallic taste in mouth, tender nipples. On copper iud. Chances of ectopic pregnancy? Painful breasts, underarm pain, lump in breast, benign cyst, thyroid tissue produces hormones. Had mammogram. Will I be okay? High SGOT levels. Having nausea, weightloss, no apetite. Suggestions? High SGPT and ALT test reports. What should I do next? Bump behind head, ear infection, swollen blood vessels, bump moving to top of my head. Suggestions? Pus filled swollen jaw after removing the tooth. Blisters present. What to do? Throat and back pain, breathlessness on eating chicken, sharp pain in lungs on eating chocolates. Food allergies? Pregnant, suffering from morning sickness, blood in vomit, diarrhea. Tried homoeopathic treatment. How to reduce symptoms? Pain in the abdomen, burning while urination after an unprotected sex. STD or UTI? Suffer from deviated nasal septum. Frequent cold and headache. What is the cost of the surgical procedure? Does the hot weather create craving for sweet things? Severe ear pain after yawning or hiccup. Any immediate cure? Unexplained bruises on the lower leg. Suffered anemia and DVT in the past during pregnancy. Are these related? Diabetic with heart flutters, twitching of the arms. Holter monitor test report slow heart rate. Need to see a cardiologist? Feeling lightheaded, nausea and difficulty in walking straight. Vertigo? Have cardiac problems Blister like bumps on the stomach of a 4 year old. How to teat this? Small pimples on glans. What could it be? On eltroxin during pregnancy. Missed taking one dose. Will it affect the baby? Small child having viral fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, foul smelling breath. Treatment options? Fooled around with boyfriend. Having breast tenderness. Pregnancy test negative. Still be pregnant? Bypass surgery done. Prescribed ceruvin-a, metolar-xr, avas, fatigue, bone dryness. Side effects of medication? Infant with parotitis. Hardness under the ear, bump in the ear. On antibiotics. Need further treatment? 4 weeks pregnant, low hcg levels. Ultrasound shows tilted uterus, thick endometrium, no fetal pole. Cause of worry? Four month old with blood in urine. Had taken formula and pumpkin puree. Need urgent care? Pregnancy scan showing posterior placenta lying low. What care should be taken? Having constant migraines, light-headedness, muscle weakness, difficulty concentrating. Virus related symptoms? Flaky skin on the nose, itchy rashes on the lower legs and hip. allergic dermatitis. Taking allegra Pregnant suffering from cold and blocked nose, headache and pain in the gum. Greenish mucus. what is happening? Dry scratchy spot on the roof of the mouth, sore throat and sinus infection. Treatment? Taking androgel. Dosage increased. Testicles has shrunk. Natural remedy to restore testosterone levels? Had massive blood clot in left ventricle, swollen lymph nodes in lungs. Having sweating, lumps under armpits. Suggestions? Suffering from pulsating sensation in the eyes and head, nausea and dizziness. Diagnosed with cerebral leakage at C6. Reason? Pressure behind the nose with popping sound, severe headache. What is the cause? Severe exhaustion, vomiting, headache and dizziness. Flu symptoms? One year old with vomiting and diarrhea. Rashes on the anus. Medication for diarrhea? Throbbing headache after being hit on the head. Small indent on the skull. Need to go to doctor? 10 year old with pain in the chest. Suffer from acid reflux. Severe vomiting. Viral infection? Delayed periods, white vaginal discharge, acne breakouts. Negative pregnancy tests. Causes for symptoms? Taking levoxyl for hypothyroidism. Severe fatigue, irritability. Need permanent cure Nausea, stomach pain and fatigue. Bleeding cyst found in the ultrasound. What is the treatment? Tender breasts, white vaginal discharge and heartburn. Trying to conceive. Need to take a pregnancy test? Severe stomach pain and vomiting. Pelvic ultrasound showing postpartum status of uterus, minimal fluid in the pouch of Douglas. Is this normal? Patch of raised dry skin in the pubic area. Chances of eczema? Going through menopause. Feeling hot inside the body. Nausea and dizziness. Any thoughts? Sudden pain around perineum. difficulty in urination, pelvic pressure. Diagnosed with prostatitis. Tingling in the scrotum. Concerned Had stopped using birth control for three weeks. How long will the pill be effective? Pressure in head. Fainted, had concussion. Told due to difference of vision in eyes. Suggestions? Feeling sleepy, dizziness. Pregnancy test negative. Low potassium levels. Is that the reason? Numb right hand, caused forearm to twitch, lost ability to grip. What could be this? Pain in the eye and forehead. Taking paracetamol. Could it be due to lack of sleep or sinusitis? Have HPV cancer strands type 16 and 18. Suffering from pains in the bones. What is this? Period is irregular. Had protected sex. Could fingering with dry semen cause pregnancy? Treated CLL with retuxin. Suggested treanda. Any other non-toxic medication? Hard lump on the penis. Cancer chances? How to get rid of it? Diagnosed with COPD. Stopped tobacco cigarettes. Using e-cigarettes. Is it a better choice? Diagnosed with microvascullar disease of the brain. Not able to sit or walk. Hallucinations. Parkinson's disease? Suffering from late stage lyme disease, on antibiotics. Also suffering from Hepatitis C. Got approved for Interfuron treatment. Worried Gestational sac still existing after taking the MTP pills. No bleeding. Advice? Feeling bloated and lot of gas. Have sharp pain towards anus during intercourse. Serious? Having habit of playing with finger till it hurts. Suggestions? Child having rash all over trunk, legs. Rough, itchy. Bump above butt crack, pubic area. Suggestions? Baby having brownish spots on calf. Goes away while sleeping. What could it be? Had tibial plateau fracture. Having severe pain around knee. Knee replacement? Have problem in eye to focus things and have black thin layer. What is the remedy for this? 3 year old feeling nausea, fever and yellowish discharge from anus. Viral infection? White callus like appearance on the vagina, feeling burning. Had hysterectomy. Worried Diagnosed with sinus infection. Pain in the neck, ear and throat, tender scalp. Are these due to the sinus infection? Blood test showing diabetes. Can I control it by diet? Suffer from hearing loss. Loud pulsing in the ear, dizziness. Will air travel worsen the situation? Had septoplasty and rhinoplasty. Grafting done. Whitish blob inside the nostril. Could this be the cartilage which was grafted? Suffer from vaginal discharge and sore. Herpes or bacterial infection? Period is late. Pregnancy test negative. Had Myomectomy in 2012. Suggestiions? Irregular periods, hot flashes, constipation and cramping with fatigue. Faint positive test for pregnancy Pain in the neck, memory loss and vision problems. Have a benign brain tumor. On dostinex, aneurontin and levothyroid. What is wrong? Suffering from severe fatigue, sweating when laying down. Dehydrated, sugars low, perimenopausal. Suggestions? Large vein in the side of my wrist , just below the thumb , hurts. Subsides when elevated. Reason? Chestpain. ECG shows normal sinus rhythm with right atrial abnormality. Reason? Hard yellow crust on both nipples. Non cancerous lump in breast. Chances of cancer? 8 year son, constantly thirsty and hungry, tiredness, dizziness. Blood sugar is 73, normal range? Strange smelling sweats in breast, recently started breast feeding. Advise? 3 year old with frequent vomiting. Is this serious? Lump below the rib cage. Do I have hernia? Nausea and pain Did physiotherapy for a dislocated knee. Not able to extend the knee. How long will it take to recover? Small flesh colored bumps in pubic area, doesn't hurt or itch. Worried Spotting, delayed periods. Birth control removed. Pregnancy? Have trigeminal neuralgia. Pressure in the brain and spinal cord. How long will it take to recover? Have herniated disc. Having pain after steroid injections. MRI showed moderate spinal stenosis and scoliosis. Surgery? Feeling bloating, fatigue, tiredness, headaches, lower backaches, eating constantly. Having sore nipples, aerola has gone bigger. What does the finding mean? Chronic neck pain, back pain, fibromyalgia. Taking methadone, limit of methadone a 45 year woman can take? Child have Otitis. Antibiotic did not help. Advised surgery. Recommendations? Swelling, bloating, pain in stomach. Ultrasound shows white spot on kidney. Kidney stone or cancer? My child fell and hurt his head, bump on head, diarrhea, upset tummy. Advise? HIV test done, for 20 minutes it showed negative, later 30 minutes saint positive. Chances of having HIV? Crunching feeling in the throat, throat congestion. Displaced cartilage or tumor? Had sex on ovulation day. Have cramps, nausea and sore nipples. Pregnancy? Gall bladder removed due to stones in the bile duct. Had infection. Difficulty in breathing. Reason? Child with pain in the ear, cheeks and jaw. Reason? Early period, bright red, watery, large clots, headaches. Is this due to hormonal imbalance? Severe headaches, pain in the neck and double vision. Developed floaters. Need to see an ophthalmologist? Pus filled sores on the forearms with itching. Scar formation upon drying. What are these? Purple ring on the lips with dryness. Lactose and gluten intolerance. Family history of autoimmune disease. Need medication Blood report showing positive for leukocyte esterase. Have burning and urgency for urination. Is this something else? Severe heart burn, chest pain, dizziness and nausea. Feeling chest pressure and fatigue. What to do? Itching and redness on the penis. Symptom of STD? Suffer from pain in the leg, back and neck, headache, loose stools and fatigue. Sore ears with swollen glands. On yasmin pill and iron tablets Had unprotected sex while drunk. As per doctor, no sign of intercourse. Took postinor 1. Concerning? Infant with constipation. Yellowish seedy stools with mucus. Could this be due to the intake of rice? Itching and tingling in the penis with reddish urine and dribbling. Symptoms persisting after taking cipro. further treatment? Sharp pain through the leg with bruised ankle after an injury. No swelling. Concerned Suffering from tonsillitis after an unprotected oral sex. Swollen painful lymph nodes, fever. STD chances? 10 year old with severe headache. Not responding to paracetamol. Is this serious? Tight penile foreskin. Have pain. Should I get frenulum removed? Stomach ache,pain above the testicles during bowel movements. Advice? Infant having rashes spreading over the body. Swollen lymph nodes on the neck, purple bruises on the arm Severe pain from the tooth, numbness on the face. Need to go for a root canal treatment? 2 year old having fever, leg pain. Medication? Gall bladder removed due to gravel and sludge in the bile duct. Suffer from pancreatitis. What is causing this? Pregnant with swollen bruised knee after a fall. Walking with a limp. Severe pain.
X-ray not advised. What to do?
Painful reading sensation on fourchette. Had thick discharge. Worried. 76 year old suffering from diverticulitis. Severe fatigue. Could this be from low blood sugar levels? High pulse rate with unexplained bruising. Taking effexor for anxiety. could this be from the medication? Smoker suffering from cold turning into chest congestion. Difficulty in breathing. Due to allergy? Fever, headaches, lower back pain and frequent urination with numbing sensation. What should I take before going to a doctor? Soreness under the arm with swelling after using a different deodorant. Feeling cold. Any vitamin or mineral deficiency? Late period, light pink to orange blood after urinating, mild cramps, tender breast. Advise? Had unprotected sex. Took plan B. On Seasonique. Gained weight. Pregnancy? Feeling dizziness and lightheaded. Have a tunnel vision. Could this be die to anxiety? Had an abortion Had sex during ovulation. Have headache, sensitive to smell, nausea and frequent urination. Pregnancy? Hard painless lump below the collar bone. Cause? Dizziness, black out and cold sweats. what could this be? 6 year old taking deep breaths, feeling a knot in the chest. What would it be? Persisting sore throat, difficulty in swallowing. Any suggestions? Mild bleeding after miscarriage. Should I be worried? Chest pain radiating to the arm, tingling. Family history of heart attacks. Need to get checked? No alcohol consumed in over a year, urinalysis positive for alcohol consumption. Suggestions? Pregnant suffering from lower back pain, pain in the leg. Why? Diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma. High bilirubin levels. Any treatment? Suffer from thinning of retina. Blurred vision, sensitivity to light and difficulty in reading. Is this a normal problem? Feeling dizzy, lightheaded and sore throat and constipation. Severe pain in the upper abdomen. Cause? Ultrasound showing thickened endometrium. History of ovarian cysts and fallopian tube removal. Chances of cancer? 21 year old diabetic with lumps on the vaginal walls. Itching with pain. Cure? 10 year old with biliary atresia. Suffering from gastritis, constipation. Pain in the bowels and testicles. Any advice? Vomiting after formula milk introduction. Yellowish urine. Not drinking breast milk. What to do? Heavy drinker having a lesion on the liver. Severe abdominal pain, diarrhea. Any suggestions? Infant allergic to milk. Rashes on the body. Sore throat on feeding soya milk. High WBC. What to do? Twitching in the eye, with pressure below the eyes. Any home remedy? Pain in the arm and shoulder joint after a fall. What should I do? Burning and pain in the chest with dry cough after quitting marijuana use. Brownish nasal mucus and sore throat Having shingles. How will someone contract it from me? Will my children get it? Pins and needle pain in the knee, numbness after an injury. Feeling bubble in the knee. Why? Got hurt during dance. Left leg and hip hurts. How long will it take to heal? Suffer from IGA nephropathy. On medication for gout, high cholesterol and BP. Feeling lethargic and constantly tired. Eligible for disability allowance? Pain in the chest and back. Scan reports normal. Severe weight loss. Need help Swollen belly, pain. Normal blood reports. Shadow over the bladder in the x-ray. what does it mean? Irregular periods, bleeding on intercourse. Negative pregnancy test reports. What else could be wrong? Breastfeeding mom taking noriday. No periods. Should I be worried? Child. No appetite, eats only ground food without chewing. Spitting, gagging or vomiting solid food. Suggest Child with a pus filled bump under the skin. Hairs coming out from the wound. what is it? History of lung cancer. Had heart attack, asleep. Length of time taken to wake up for a person who has had attack? Trying to conceive. Took clomid. Have brownish discharge. Side effect of clomid? Taking doxycycline hyclate for bacterial infection. Missing periods. Medication side effect? Blood tests shows elevated levels of thyroglobulin antibody and ANA. Having Mild fever, fatigue and nausea. What does the report mean? Vomiting and nausea after started taking norethindrone. Stopped medication. Medication side effects? Have elevated liver enzymes. Ultrasound says liver demonstrates diffusely increased echogenicity. Meaning? Had lympocele removed. Experiencing pain in hip and leg. Will the pain reduce over time? Light brown vaginal discharge. Taking birth control pills. Pregnant or side effects of pill? Suffering from RA, degenerative disc and bursitis. Bump on the hip after a fall. Have burning pain. Will there be a fracture? How can one restore eye skin to the way it used to be naturally if any damage occurs after acupressure of it? Throbbing pain in the shin after a surgery. Titanium rods placed. Will I get totally cured? Did laparotomy for ovarian cysts. Stabbing pain in the lower abdomen. New cysts growing. Cure? Pregnant diagnosed with rubella. What is the treatment. Any risk to the fetus? Lump on the neck hardened after trying to squeeze it. Should be concerned? Elevated heart rate, breathlessness, pain in the chest. Is it stress related? Borderline diabetic taking iron supplements. Will this increase the sugar levels? Suffer from headaches and memory loss. Diagnosed with sarcoidosis. On methotrexate. MRI says multiple foci of abnormal hyperintensivity. Please explain Planning for pregnancy. On epilim. Seizures on stopping medication. Prescribed with lamotrigine. Is the medication safe? Bloody piece of skin in toilet. On pills. Advise? Had a knee revision, then an infection. Experiencing extreme itching in the lower part of the scar. Should I be concerned about this? Hip hurts bad. Have popping while trying splits. Tried ice and heat. Solution? 9 year old, loss of appetite due to summer heat, loose motion. vomiting, urine dark yellow in color. Suggestions? Have 118 B12 in blood test. Advised to take injections. Is it serious? How can I find out if my husband had a vasectomy? Using cocaine, yellowish mucus inside nose that cannot be taken out, nostril blocked. Advise? Had a cut on the upper lip. Swelling and bleeding. Need stitches? Had thyroid killed with radioactive iodine. Have high BP. Increased medication. Recommendations? White bumps under skin in the place of cold sores. Advise? Have stomach pain and butt pain. Found parasites and infection. Medicines not helping. Treatment? Diagnosed with herniated disc and pinched nerve after an accident. feeling pressure in the lower spine. Advice? Burned the inside of mouth after using Optic White for whitening. Suggestions? Pain at tip of penis, stings to urinate straight after ejaculating. Advise? Delayed periods, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, dry vagina. What could it be? Numbness in left arm, twitching in left eye. Consuming cigarettes, alcohol, redbull daily. Cause? Stools are not normal and have been a regular drinker of alcohol.Am i suffering from liver disorder? Sore, red, swollen outer ear. Tenderness in inner ear. Suggestions? Initially diagnosed with PUO. Having small consolidations in lung. Band cells, toxic granules present. Solution? Taking concor 2,5 Norvasc 5 Tritace. BP stabilized. Feeling bit depressed. Can i stop the medications? Having cold, febrile convulsions. Fever under control. Developed bloodshot eye. Suggestions? Tongue hurts. Tried nystatin. What could be the reason for sour taste in mouth? Itchy and sore nipples, heartburn, constant headache,late on period. Took 4 tests,all are negative. Treatment? Have pain from skull till neck, no cold or fever. Can i know the treatment for stiff neck? Swollen glands. Strep test negative. Getting tested for Mono. Further investigations? Middle finger cut on the knuckle, swollen. ER suggested for stitches. Healing time and treatment? Removed the protection of birth control, no periods. Having sore nipples, food cravings, nausea. Pregnant? Child suffering from cough, cold. No relief from antibiotics, bronchodilators. Also, prescribed steroid. Discontinue? Want to increase height. Heard about step up Ayurveda product. Is it reliable, any side effects? No growth of hair, voice, height, male breast in body. Testicles removed previously. Advise? Swollen toe after 3 week injury. X ray showed minimal arthritis. Why is toe swollen after 3 week injury? Suffering from zuskas disease, sharp pain behind right shoulder blade. History of gall stones. Worried if this could be related? Chronic sinusitis, headache, vertigo, dizziness. Suffering from sleep disorder, stress, bone condition. Suggestions? Change in period blood color, spotting, cramps. Pregnancy, blood tests negative. Advise? Terrible itchy skin, was on Cetaphil does not work anymore. Sever itching all over body. Mate has several allergies. Could this be related? Taking nuvigil pill to stay awake, want to quit this habit. Suggestions? Mother of 4 months baby. Is it a good time to take birth control pill, copper t. Different types of copper t? Price? Having asthma, frequent headaches, fatigue. Report says calcified right hilar lymph nodes. Meaning? Removal of wisdom tooth has lead to severe mental stress.Is there a way to reduce this? Sudden reduction in the muscle mass and body weight. Worried Watery left eye, itching, outside corner sore and red. Allergy drops, eye drops used. Advise? Is operation advisable for prodruding disc and oesteophyte? Cluster of bumps on the labia minora. Itching and pain. Partner with oral HSV 1. Did I get it? Had gall bladder removal and umbilical hernia repair. Vaginal bleeding. Anything serious? Shadows in vision, bands of white brightness, headache, eye twitching. Blood sugar, bp normal. Suggestions? Thick facial hair on upper lips and chin. Feel depressed and angry. Remedy? Diagnosed with goiter after pregnancy. Trying to concieve again. Cause goiter to grow again? Had c-section. Having lower abdominal pain. Unable to bend, hold baby. Suggestions? Missed periods. Having nausea, diarrhoea, acne. Due to hormonal imbalance? Diarrhea, watery stool, abdominal bloating, burning chest. Had leftover sushi. Food poisoning or what Healthy female, regular workouts, lately feeling fatigue and also noticed palpitation during cardio exercise. Facing anxiety and restlessness. Worried Taking Solitral. Frequency of passing urine post breakfast has greatly reduced. Increase in dryness of mouth. Cause? Had unprotected sex. Took ipill. Got periods. Missed periods this month. Reason? Painful when retracting foreskin during masturbation. Worried about paraphimosis. Solution? Having heavy periods and pain. Have fibroids. Noticed blood in the urine stream after periods. Something serious? Child with anxiety problems. Crying a lot. Will keeping a pet make her happier? Severe pain in the eye. What is it? 3rd c-section. Swelling above incision, more pronounced on the sides. Is this normal? 3 year old with high fever and throat infection. Is meftal safe? Weak pain in chest after drinking energy drink. Why pain? Reflux disease or heart burn? 81 year old with low grade fever, chills, nasal congestion and high blood pressure. Had a stroke. Taking diuretic and advil Sever pain in right wrist, vein or veins get swollen. Worried Has back pain. Diagnosed with hyper mobility syndrome. Nuclear bone scan showed d7, d8, d9 with inflammation. Suggestions Need a remedy for acne scars Had a hypertensive attack. Uneasiness in head, dizziness and tinnitus. MRI showing disc degeneration, loss of lordosis Suffering from sle, appropriate medication? Itching on the lower rib. Is it ingrown hair? Severe pain legs, thigh muscles weakness, numbness, lower back pain. ESR 80, crp 21. Advise? Pain in the chest radiating to shoulder and arm. X-ray showing spinal arthritis. IS that the reason? Viginal laceration, are stitches required? Will it damage vaginal wall? Feeling bloated, increased breast size, spotting. On mirena implant. Pregnant? Irregular heart beat, fluttering in the chest, sweating. Heart problem? Inter-menstrual vaginal spotting, have not missed periods. Negative pregnancy tests. Chances of pregnancy? Noticed small scaly red bumps, applied coconut oil. Now on on various diferent places, one on shoulder looks like ringworm. Worried Spinal fusion, heavy period, vomiting, dehydration, have annibanoid hyperemesis syndrome. On morphine. Done ultrasound. What is it? Severe cramping and spotting, back pain. Had an abortion. Concerned CT sinus scan showing polypoid mucosal thickening, tissue opacification. What does it mean? 3 year old, fever reduces only when medicine is given. All test results negative. Advise? Severe pain in the face, pressure in the eyes, watering from eyes. x-ray shows impacted wisdom tooth. Any help? Tiredness, sore throat, swollen glands, painful throat. Taken vitamin C. What now? Cut in the eye across the pupil caused by glass. Vision of a halo over the light, less pain. Will cornea heal in time? Medulla oblongata hurt, succumbed to attack resembling brain stroke, paralysis sensation in left limbs. Advise? Having a large bump after banging on the bath tub. Experiencing headaches and having troubled sleep. Suggest I am having chondromalacia, patellofermoral joints, bone-marrow edema, underlying tear, tricompartmental chondromalacia. What is wrong with my knee? Woman on Nuvaring contraception cannot inhale fully. Endoscopy, lung function test, ECG, chest x-ray normal. Taking anti-biotic, nasal spray. No relief. Is this Candida? Suffer from CKD. On dialysis. Fluctuating serum levels. Cause of concern? Stomach pain and sweating in all over body. Lost sense of hearing and dizzy. Suggestion? Right knee pain, knee joint effusion, meniscus tear diagnosed. Cortisone shot taken. Advise? Damaged hip muscle. Pain while exerting. How long will it take to heal? Fractured ribs. Inflammation in the ribs, chest tightness. Am I in danger? Blood pressure 150/105 on s-numlo2.5 and epitril, now 105/80. Is it advisable to stop the medicines? Late period, pinkish discharge, cramps, massive blood clot. Birth control pills taken. Had UTI. Pregnancy tests negative. Miscarriage? Diagnosed with undedractive thyriod. Feel fatigue. Have muscle ache, heavy periods, bloat. Advise on medicament Pain in left eye, jaw, complete left side of face. Causes and cure? Terrible sore throat and vomiting, felt a lump with difficulty in swallowing. Is this two related? Rash on upper arm, very noticeable after showering, another rash present on neck. Cure? Having extreme nausea, vomiting, dizziness after gall bladder surgery. Taking miralax. Treatment for symptoms? Feeling depressed and anxious despite taking adderall. Sleeplessness. How can I feel normal again? CKD stage 5, under dialysis. Espogen 4000 recommended. Advise? Enlarged liver with increased echogenicity, mild hepatomegaly. What does it mean? Had prostate surgery, cancerous removal, loss of firm erection. Taking cialis. Help? Have tiredness, nausea, excessive hunger, irritable, impatience. On vitamin supplements. Help? Blood in urine, WBC in urine, uric acid crystals. Done CT scans, ultrasounds. Explain Stressed. Taking lorazapam and nortriptline. Dependent on tablets? Have cramps, excessive wetness during sex, discomfort. What could this be? Suffering from urinary condition. Urine test shows high level of pus cells. How to reduce levels? Constant pain in upper back close to spine, pain in right shoulder on breathing. Cure? Prone to UTI. Nauseated, irritated urethra, lower back pain, anxiety. On ciprofloxacin. Suggest? Severe tickling in anus, itching sensation. What can help? Diagnosed with renal parenchymal disease, high creatinine levels, itching in lower legs. History of diabetes. Treatment? Intense chest pain, arm pain, panic attacks. Quit smoking. What is happening? Swollen fingers, bleeding. Used goof off. What can be done? Lower back pain, leg pain. MRI showed Lumbo Sacral Spondylosis, canal stenosis. Cure? Punctured hole in lip and gum, severe pain. Applying orajel. What can be done? Frequent urination, itching, abdominal cramps, have hives. Tried benadryl. Cause? Missed periods, dizziness, loss of vision and appetite, nausea. Causes for symptoms? Occasional dull pain in armpit, noticed a small lump on right side. Suggestion? Have severe stomach cramps, watery stools. Taken FlocLoxacillin. Am I okay? Swollen right tonsil, bumps behind tongue, severe cough, wheezing, mucus behind throat. Treatment? Have paranasal sinuses, polypoidal mucosal thickening. Done CT scan. What is the meaning? Hearing heart beat in left ear, gets worse when tired, angry. History of headaches. Suggestions? What is the meaning of abnormality anterior, qrs(t) contour abnormality consistent with inferior infract? Pimple like bumps on scrotum, pain due to friction, difficulty walking, vomiting. Cure for symptoms? Had an abortion, pregnancy test still positive, had unprotected sex. Pregnancy a possibility? Delay in periods with heavy bleeding, trying to conceive. Was it a miscarriage? Infant passing green stools, given Econorm and Oflomac, causing vomiting. Suggest a good medicine? Little bumps with itchy rashes on forearm, allergic to penicillin. Suggestion? Burning pain in right ribcage. Treated for a mild herniated thoracic disc and decompression. Is it Menopause stage? Child with enlarged tonsils since birth, causing snoring at night. Having adenoids. Suggestion? Suffering from fever and coughing up green phlegm. Painful lump in throat. Suggestion? Purple spot on eyelid, had an eye surgery. What is it and is it contagious? Had abortion, underwent a D&C. Taking Lynoral, causing stomach cramps. Is it normal? Twitching in eye and pressure in left ear. Dizziness and tingling in head. Is it a sinus headache? Had a sore throat wit twitching in lower lip, swelling in uvula. Is it a muscular pain? Had root canal treatment, since then swelling in face and burning sensation. Solution? Child with wax and smell in ears. Blood oozing out and spreading to ear lobe. Suggestion? Hypertension, dark urine color, dryness, uncomfortable, muscle pain, kidney failure, cough. Help? Had unprotected sex, have a light cramping with slight spotting. Is it implantation bleeding? Have low platelet count, knee pain. Taken cartigen carticare. Help? Discolored skin between thighs and genital area, spreading to labia minora and majora. On loprox. Suggest? Painful bumps on chin, lips, nose, face. On ampicillin. Help? Having discomfort in vagina, mild itching with discharge, peeling skin. Treatment options? Dizziness, blurred vision, hearing issues, stomach irritation, vomiting sensation. Negative PT. What is wrong? Suffering from high BP. Taking crestor, eltroxin medication. Safe to run? Burning sensation, pain on urinating. Urine test shows pus cells, RBCs. Can UTI cause infertility? Had a bike accident, causing a road rash, yellow scabbing around outer edge. Is it infected? Pulls mark near the urethra hole, getting bigger and red. Small bumps under skin. Suggestion? Toddler with fever, lethargic with normal bowel movement. Is it due to constipation? Dry skin, irritation on penis tip, discharge in the morning, pain on urinating. History of gonorrhoea. Treatment? Dizziness, shortness of breath, constipation. Underwent fbs, cbc. What do these results indicate? Small child having high fever, stomach pain, lethargy, appetite loss, foul smelling urine. Treatment? TVUS done. What do the results indicate? Burning feeling outside of vulva. History of vaginal infections, urine problems. Taking neogab, methycobal. Advise? Had cyst on my right ovary. Later diagnosed with cyst on left side and got half the ovary and Fallopian tube removed. Second opinion? Fell from stairs and hit head, have back pain with difficulty in breathing. Is it normal? Suffering from excessive sneezing, gastrointestinal problems. Related symptoms? Two spots on upper right side back, causing deep pain in this area. Cause for symptoms? Numbness and seizures after masturbating, asthmatic. Diagnosed with anxiety. EEG, Ct scan clear. Advise? Had a fall, twisted left ankle, difficulty in kneeling, ankle feeling weak. Is this because of twisting? Irritation in arms, hands become cold, sunburns, muscle weakness, dizziness. Blood tests are normal. What could it be? Lower back tenderness, excruciating pain, bruised, pulled muscle. What may be wrong? High blood pressure, discomfort in upper body while breathing, leading an active life. BP medication required? Have disc dehydration, mild impingement on thecal sac, subcutaneous edematous changes noted. Explain High BP. Awaiting RFT results, kidney results normal. What can be done? Suffering from wheezing, anxiety. Taken chest Xray, blood test, ECG. Am I okay? Nonmovable lump on clavicle near sternum. Having night sweats, lightheadedness, fatigue. What could it be? On birth control. Passing brown sticky clots. Having stomach sickness. Pregnant? Delivered 4 months back. Passing clots looking like liver. Had retained placenta during childbirth. Clots normal? Small lump behind left calf, tender to the touch. Due to excessive exercising? Suffering from nausea, tiredness, excessive thirst. On interstem implant. Symptoms of high BP? Pap smear showed parakeratosis, inflammation. Meaning? Prescribed medicines for eye pressure. Having nausea, vomitting. Which doctor should I see? Small child, yellow secretions surrounding eyes, swelling, poor appetite. Causes for symptoms? Pain in leg after doing splits forward. Hurts to sit, stretch. What could I have injured? Small child, breastfed, allergic to diary and soy, swelling in chest in LUQ, LLQ. Cure for symptoms? Had neck surgeries previously. Having muscle weakness in legs. Numbness, tingling in hands. Reason? Having cramps, white discharge, Braxton contractions. Pregnant? Persistent headache on getting less sleep, does not occur on sleeping for sufficient time. Treatment? Headache when moved in a certain way. Nasal passage blocked, blurry vision, loss of apetite. Suggestions? Pregnant. Diagnosed with Chiari 1 Malformation. Using pessary. Explain situation? Sensation of hole above laryngeal prominence near thyroid membrane. Am I being paranoid? Had unprotected sex, taking birth controls. Itching and redness in vagina, hurt to urinate. Is it an infection? Suffering from itchy throat, burning feeling in throat, noticed blood in saliva. Suggestion? Hit right hand palm, causing a painful bump and bruise. Pain in wrist and arm bone. Is it a fracture? Suffering from severe bad headache and chills. Cause for symptoms? Discoloured spot on side of nose, slightly tanned colour. Cause for discoloration? Suffering from pain behind head and swelling in knees. Have high BP. Suggestion? Tail bone up in buttocks. Have scar tissue. Done X rays. Is this a serious issue? Infertility, have PCO. Had D and C. Normal size of ROF, LOF and ET? Had fractured in fibula, X-ray shows little healing. Using bone growth stimulator. Healing time? Have pregnancy symptoms, noticed a calcified uterine fibroid. Will this affect pregnancy? Having burps and vomiting. History of heart surgery and diabetes. U/S shows enlarged prostate SOL in liver. Suggestion? Cough. Can a child be treated with brandy? Low cholesterol. Donated blood. Taking fish oil and vitamins. Help Pain in the MCL area, inner thigh and difficulty in lifting the leg after a fall. What is the treatment? Masturbation habit, sperm discharge too early. Taken herbal medication. Help? White rash on palms, wrinkly. Is it cystic fibriosis? Stomach flu, diarrhea, vomiting, foul smell. Help? Over weight, abdominal crunch, bulge in stomach. What is it? EKG showed ST depression, hypothyroidism. On birth control pills, multivitamin and armour thyroid. Worry? Taking birth control pills, using condoms. Will it affect fertility? Have morning sickness, night sweats. On implanon. Suggest? Suffering with knee pain, joints pain, numbness. What is wrong? Urge to urinate, yellow discharge, kidney stones, cystisis, UTI, irritation in vagina. On monistat. Help? Pain in lower back, tingling in legs, arms and chest. MRI shows bulging disc on L5S. Treatment? Suffering from haemorrhoids. Wants to used preparation-h, not available at the drug stores. Alternative options? Had CABG. On painkillers. Done bypass. Recovery? Pregnant on a low carbohydrate diet due to diabetes. High sugar levels. Concerned Joint pain in knees, toes, lower back. Blood tests normal. On birth control pills. Advise? Injured elbow and forearm, bone shock, soreness, bump on forearm. X-ray showed no fractures. Cure? Result of hysterosalpingogram test showed bilateral, stenosed fallopian tubes. Explain Suffer from hair loss, black grains on the head. Flea infestation? EP, removal of ganglioglioma, anxiety attacks, depression. EP medications taken, surgery done. Advise? Whiteheads on the nose. Treatment? Getting sores on the head after drinking soda. Reason? Red patch around penis, sharp pain in penis forehead, water in penis head. Cure for symptoms? Taking hucog. Heavy bleeding during intercourse. Cause? Pregnancy test positive. Scan shows only white shadows and internal bleeding in the womb. History of c-section. Diagnosed remainings of placenta from labour. Advice Face has become much darker. Have irregular periods, hot flushes and on medication. Cure for symptoms Have pain after urination and ejaculation. Had UTI test done. Taking cipro. What can be the cause? Taking suboxone. Will this show in drug screening tests? Fresh blood coming from navel. History of familial mediterranean fever and endometriosis. Any ideas? Taking birth control pills. Had periods for 2 weeks. Had unprotected sex. Feeling sick in mornings. Pregnant? Suffered brain hemorrhage and stroke. Talking continuously. Zolfresh recommended. Suggestions? Had bilateral hernia repairs. Difficulty in getting erection. Reason? Sharp pain in stomach, back and rib pain. Taking birth control. Negative pregnancy test. Causes for symptoms? 3 year old, not keeping full feet on floor. After massage, not keeping right feet on floor. Suggestions? Red swollen lips, cracked skin on lip corners. Tried mouth wash, burning sensation on tongue. Cure? Conjunctival cyst on right eye. Steroid used to reduce it, another appearing on left eye. Precautions? Have hyperthyroid symptoms. Have pain in swallowing. On vitamin d3, B complex. Recommendations for slowing down thyroid Loss of blood circulation in right hand while sleeping, disturbed sleep. Causes for symptoms? Missed periods cycle, dull abdominal pain after having intercourse. Negative pregnancy tests. Causes? Ultrasound report revealed calcific foci in prostrate. Will this lead to cancer? Having high pulse rate, tremors after eating breakfast. Taking aspirin capsules for dry cough. Suggestions? Have multiple comorbidities with compartment syndrome. Swelling due to water retention. Suggest Bells palsy on left side of face, pregnant. Taking steroids, eye and lip twitches. Cause of worry? Uneven facial skin tone. Black spots, darker face and neck than body, sunburns. Increase in sensitivity to sun after skin lightening peeling treatment. Suggest skin care regimen Cervical fusion, herniated disc and straightening of the spinal cord. Further treatment? Noticed black/brownish on nipple. Should I consult a doctor? Side effects from mirena coil. Tried contraceptives. Which low dose contraceptive pills can i use? Suffer from urine retention. Doing self catheterization. Dark urine. Severe belching. Why? Wounds on the legs caused by DVT. Used compressed bandages. Wounds recurring. What to do? Pain in right leg, lower part of back bone, difficulty in movement. Had a fall. Applying hot gel. Suggestions? Rashes on penis. Suggest Suffering with lower back injury plus left hip and leg muscle damage. I may be pregnant. What does it mean? Suffering from nausea while travelling to work, occurs only in the evening, severe acidity. Treatment options? Had surgical abortion. Prescribed Krimson. Feeling to urinate and vaginal heaviness. Side effects of pills? Skin redness, black discolouration on cheeks and forehead after excessive bleaching. Applied cortisone cream. Treatment? Continuous tingling sensation in lower back, feet and palms. On medication for BP. MRI reveals degeneartive changes of disc and diffuse bulge at L4-5 with partial loss of intra foraminal perineural fat plance on left side. Treatment? Heaviness in the arm. High fasting sugar levels, altered blood pressure levels. Smoking history. Advice? Suffer from seasonal allergies. Taking levocetrizine. Can I take phenylephrine? What are the contents of this medication? 36 year old with grey beard. Any cure? Pain in the wrist after an injury. Is this serious? 22 month old getting frequent ear infections. Grommets surgeries done. Concerned about the prolonged use of antibiotics Suffering from burning in the body. Have diabetes, anxiety and asthma. What is the best treatment for her? Reddish boil or bump on the scrotum. Does it need to be treated? Infant with runny nose, scratchy voice and cough. What is it? Pelvic scan report shows single intrauterine fetus. Have regular periods. Is the report safe? Experiencing discomfort, tingling sensation while urinating, blood in urine, symptoms occurred post intercourse. Cure? Uterus scan done. What does the findings mean? Vaginal itching, dryness. Fibromyalgia, Sjorgens or lupus? Suffer from frequent fever, body ache and pain in the ear and head. Why? Having back pain, puffy eyes, tiredness. prescribed ointment and anti inflammatory tablets. Suggest Not putting weight even after proper food. What type of diet or medicine should be taken? Had abortion. Took cerazette pill. Routine pregnancy test showed slight positive line. Pregnant? Or due to hormones? Pain in the calf muscle while running. Cause? Severe weight loss after childbirth. How can I gain weight? Breast tenderness, missed periods. Took primolut injection. What is the drug action? Pregnant exposed to paint thinners. Worried Suffer from headaches, fuzzy vision and lack of concentration. Sore lump on the head. Any suggestions? Swelling and burning sensation on inguinal canal areas, undergone hernia surgery. Hernia recurring? Hardness on top of ear, wearing spectacles. Are the arms of spectacles causing this? Round spots on the calf muscle, itching. Spots spreading to the head. What could it be? Hard lump in the groin area with bruising. On contraceptive pill. Any help? Severe stomach cramps, constipation, stools with white mucous, pain in arm, palpitation. What could be this? Diagnosed with vesicoureteric reflux. Treatment? Diagnostic tests? Surgical intervention? 10 week baby, UTI developed to ecoli sepstesimia, klebsiella pneumonia. Can she get rid of bacteria? Recurring tiny itching bumps on sole, leaving circular flat spots. Skin problem? Having early discharge. Concerned? Massive hairfall, itchy, burning and sensitive scalp. Very low TSH levels. Prescribed Follihair, primosa tablets and Copl s lotion. Right treatment? Numbness in lower limb, degenerative changes with reduced IV disc space. On medication for BP. What is going on? Diarrhea While Sleeping. Sick with bronchitis. Took levequin. What are the findings and required treatment? Diagnosed with hepatitis A. My recovery seems to go pretty slow, am I doing anything wrong? Concerned? Pregnant. Scan showed no fetal pole. Severe stomach pain, no bleeding. Had erosion and closed womb. Signs of miscarriage? Child. Blisters on eardrums, yeast rash GI issues. On antibiotics. Preventive measures? Had unprotected sex on the dates when periods were due. Took emergency contraceptive pill. Pregnancy possible? Need birth control advice both ears hurt while swallowing. Have been sneezing occasionally. Never had strep before. Taking ibuprofen. Treatment? Headache, vomiting, weightgain. History of severe headache and on painkillers. Serious? Has cancer of the Pancreas that has spread to the liver and lungs. Medical cure for this? Child. Massive hairfall, thinning around front of head. History of continuous cold. Help Have high blood pressure. Taking tolol xr 50. My head feels heavy all the time. Is it because of this tablet? Did nephroectomy, urethroceal. Pain during passing urine, intercourse. On monilia, visicare. Pain reduction possible? Have irregular periods. Have been prescribed duphaston and oromone. What dosage to be taken? Trying to conceive. Late period. Pregnancy test negative. Siphene 100 mg taken, follicular study done. Advise? Suffer from nausea, headache, appetite loss and dots on the tongue. Have smoking and tobacco addiction. Help? Suffering from body heat. Particularly my lower legs - calf area. Suggest Frequent urination, floaters in urine, nausea. Is this normal with UTI? Have stiff back Severe pain in the toe, inflamed feet after wearing a shoe. What to do? Had unprotected sex. Taken unwanted 72 after five days, dark red spotting. Causes? Tried cleaning ears, wax pushed into ear, hearing loss. Will earex ear drops help? Painful vagina ulcers, uncomfortable. Treatment? Low energy, white spots on lip. On antibiotics for sinus infection and strep throat. Should medicine be discontinued? Having fever, cough and headache. Prescribed Azee. Clinical examination showed ARI. Menaing? Medication safe? Discovered a lump just under my ribcage on my left side. Worried if it was muscle spasm or a hernia? Suffering from thyroid and Hemoglobin problem, have hair fall. Increased TSH level. Ayurveda medication? Addicted to spasmo proxyvon capsulesand smoking. Need help Suffering from dandruff, scalp psoriasis. Using nizral shampoo. Will zeethromax medication cure it? Wisdom tooth infection, permanent damage, unable to eat. Used novicaine. Rinse with salt water? 3 year kid, cough, red boils on eyes and ears, leg pain, stomach pain. What could be this? Having rashes in groin area, neck/collarbone area. Used Aveeno Hydrocortisone. Now its spreading. What should I do?sk Having severe back pain. What is the treatment required? Concerned? Have been on the depo injection. Getting all the pregnancy symptoms, but the home tests says negative. What can it be and how long does it take for my body to return back normal? Sore throat and ear, difficulty in swallowing. Taking antibiotics. Suggestions? Difficulty in urination after having sex. History of swelling on all lymph nodes and sinus infection. UTI? Having very light periods. Having huge and sore breasts, weight gain and back pain. Pregnant? Endometriosis? Suggest Heavy periods, discomfort in the lower abdomen, nausea. Have endometriosis. Any help? Tilted cervix, want to have baby. Suggested to stand on head for some time. Any ideas? Planning to take althea pill as contraceptive measure. Details of intake and time? Experienced retraction of foreskin first time. Having pain and noticed yellow/brown colored discharge. Should I see a doctor? ECG done. What does the result mean? Trying to conceive. Not enough follicle size even after medication. Any natural way? Had horrible stomach pain, accompanied by acid reflux and puking. What should I do for now and what could it be? Attack of flu, cough, high grade temperature, nearing period. Blood tests done. Is this normal? Pregnant. Feeling mild contractions. Normal? Pain in lower stomach, lower and middle spinal cord and chest. Relaxation in chest with sound when stretched. Problem? Missed periods. Pregnancy test positive. Have bleeding. What to do? Mole on the shoulder. Need to get checked for neurofibromatosis? Itchy white patches in the vagina. Papsmear report showing cocobacilli and UTI.On cefuroxime and metronidazole. What is the dosage? Have acid and gas. Taking herbal churna. Upper part of stomach is bulged. Cure? Feeling heart beat fastening and chest tightness. What could this be? 24 years, unmarried, irregular periods, painful, heavy flow, vomiting. What type of medicine will help? Little bleeding during delayed periods. History of having unprotected sex. Chances of pregnancy? Need a cure for severe dandruff and hair loss. Have boils on the scalp Suffer from erectile dysfunction. Taking medication for BP. Need medication High SGPT and SGOT levels. Ultrasound scan report showing thicker wall of urinary bladder. Hepatitis B test advised. What to do? Bitten by our vaccinated dog. I took no anti-rabies now. What could be done? Had my head banged while climbing. From then on no sleep. Having high BP and heart palipatation. Suggest Diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. Suffer from joint pain with stiffness. Any solution? Shivering in the body, numbness in the tongue. Normal sugar levels. What else could be the problem? Is nose bleeding normal after death? Had epilepsy Urine analysis showed gravity: 1.005, pH: 6.5, WBC:0-1/HPF, bacteria: few, epithelial cells: few. Explain Took cipro for gonorrhea. Still have the urge for frequent urination. Is the disease cleared? Small flesh colored raised bumps on back of hands. What could be this? Severe pain in the joints with parvo virus infection. Wearing morphine patch everyday. Need stronger medication Reddish rashes on the crease of the nose. Seborrheic dermatitis suspected. Need an effective medication Dermoid cyst removed from the ovary. Had bleeding and bruising due to bursting of blood vessel while using catheter. Sharp pain. Need to go to hospital? Sore lumps on the forearm spreading on the hand. what are these? Plugged in ear. Throbbing shooting pain in ear after using Debrox for wax removal. Help High tsh level. Thyrodenium 3x taken, taking Dr. reckeweg's thyreoidinium. Should i take allopathy medicine? Mother speaking to herself, negative thoughts and sleeplessness. Started after dad died. Advice? Reddish blood filled bumps near the eyes. What are they and how to get rid of them? Swollen bruised lump on the shin after an injury. Do I have to get an X-ray? Stinging pain in the belly button. Mild swelling. Did I pull a muscle? Cyst in right ovary. Taking medication. Should i consult another doctor? 26 year old with difficulty in sleeping, eating and headaches. Pain in the rib cage and fatigue. Why? Pain in the toe. Do I have a broken bone? Child born deaf. MRI report saying abnormal single intensity areas in the right ethmoid air cells due to sinus inflammatory disease. Is there a cure for this? Could you please explain my thyroid test report? Are these levels normal? Difficulty in swallowing. Dry itchy throat. No pain. What is wrong? Child with pain in the leg. Gave ibuprofen. What else to do? Reddish itchy rashes on the arms, forehead, ear lobes and face. Swollen eyelids. Tried steroid creams and allergy medication Laporotomy done with incision on the small and large intestines. Protruding stomach. How can I get a flat belly? Why do I feel pressure around the eyes? Took shock treatment for mental disorder. Can you help me find a doctor? Suffering from nasal blockage, unable to breathe from one nostril. Deviated nasal septum. What is the treatment for this? Refill of tablet lisin/hctz 20-12.5 looks different with light blue hue with word Watson and number 861 written on it. Same tablet from different manufaturer? Severe persisting pain under the rib cage. Painful while breathing, coughing or sneezing. Loss of appetite, chills. any suggestions? Unable to stand or walk after a fall. Have muscle injury. Treatment? Dry flaky bumps on the vulva with redness. Is this a rash or yeast infection? White patches near the mouth and cheeks. Advised to use malagard and evmozone. Are these medications effective? Popping sound from the knee, pain and bruise. Is there a tear? Will it heal of its own? 25 year old with painful lump on the scrotum. Anything serious? Pain in the right side of the waist, hair loss. Weight loss after being on a diet program. Need cure for pain
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