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What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?

Posted on Tue, 14 Jun 2016
Question: First

This is XXXXX, I have a problem with a nonstop bleeding since I had miscarriage on February 22, and I would like to ask for your opinion if you know the following:
Serious of actions:
•     **Miscarriage on 22nd of the February ,2016
1.     all the products of the pregnancy were out
2.     The bleeding starts normal for 5 or 10 days then start to fade out / sometimes I have spotting till 18th of the march.
•     **Period on 19th of the march ,2016
1.     This period starts with Heavy bleeding, and too much clot for 3 days then it starts again to bleeding normally, then start to fade out / sometimes I have spotting till 17th of the April.
•     **Period on 17th of the April,2016
1.     This period starts with Heavy bleeding, and too much clot for 3 days (This clot is more than previous month and you can see how much is it big on the attachments) then it starts again to bleeding normally, then start to fade out / sometimes I have spotting till now.
2.     I have done my Ultrasound (Pelvic/abdominal/Vagina) on the 18th of the April, which means doing ultrasound during the period and I was bleeding heavily.
My Doctor impressions:
My doctor told me that I have some prominent blood vessel in the endometrium making that bleeding not stopping, so she said that she needs to do (hysteroscopy) and Dilation and curettage (D&C).
I am not sure is that right or not, could you please look at my results and give me your impressions then try to give me the right solution for my problem if you know that I do not like doing the curettage surgery.
Questions needed to be answered?
1.     What is the reason of that heavy clots?
2.     Is it right to do curettage since I do not have any miscarriage products on my uterus?
3.     What is the right treatment and safe solution for my situation if you know that this is my first pregnancy?
1.     Images for the clots
3.     HCG-Beta Results after the mischarge
4.     Ultrasound findings

What is your age?
I am 27 years’ old

Are your menstrual cycles normally regular?
•     Before getting married I had regular menstrual then
•     After getting married on August 9th/2015, it started to be irregular as Follow:
You will find my period schedule which
•     Light Blue color circles = (Period)
•     Light Orange color circle = (Egg release)
Any other medical risk factors - hypertension, diabetes, obesity, past surgery etc.?
1.     I have no medical risk factor.
2.     I have no surgeries.
3.     My Weight 59 kg – 131 pound.
4.     I am 165 cm tall.
5.     You will find my lab test in case you want to review it.

Are your married to a close blood relative?
No, I am B+ and My husband is O+. We are not relatives.

My questions:
•     I would like to know what is the exact reason of my Miscarriage? I would like to know in order to avoid it in my next pregnancy?

•     Will I have my second pregnancy without any problem after this surgery?

•     What is the side effects if I decided not doing the Hysteroscopy (D&C)?


my doctor told me that she will do gentle scribing and I will be able to try conceive after 2 weeks? is this right ?

I am not sure if they did that for my situation , However I gave them the sample and I will try to ask them about the biopsy and chromosomal testing ?

Are there any other solution other than curettage , I heard about some pills can stop the bleeding , do you know anything like this ? I hate doing curettage because it is dangerous from my perspective for my uterus lining?

Are there any other way to stop this bleeding ?


You can try to use the following link , in fact I could not attach the labtest file because I have exceeded my uploading file limit , so you need to use the following link , I have upload the lab test on my own google drive , and you can reach them using the following link :

My another question :

Will this bleeding stop after curettage , because it does not make since to do do curettage while I am having bleeding , because curettage to the best of my knowledge is scribing the area of concern, then it should be beneficial for cleaning the product of the failure pregnancies but not for the bleeding ,

correct me if I am wrong and Explain how does that help ?

and FYI , my doctor told me that she will do gentle scribing and I will be able to try conceive after 2 weeks ?

Answered by Dr. Soumya (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
You can conceive again

Detailed Answer:

I saw your reports and understand your concerns.

Following is my reply:

1) Your doctor is right. You need a curettage and testing of endometrium to know the cause of such thick endometrium and bleeding.

2) Alternatively if you wish to avoid the surgical procedures, request your doctor to prescribe you tranexamic acid tablets which are capable of stopping such bleeding.

3) Your blood tests and other reports are normal and i see no reason to worry.

4) This bleeding is likely to be from thick endometrium and nothing else.

5) You will not have any problem in conceiving again and you can be relaxed about it without worrying.

Let me know if you need anymore help.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Soumya (19 minutes later)
I have question about :

Which better doing the surgery of D&C OR taking the tranexamic acid tablets ?

will that surgery stop the bleeding surely or it is just possibilities ?

Answered by Dr. Soumya (4 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Try tablets first

Detailed Answer:

Surgery will stop bleeding for sure.

You can try tranexamic acid tablets for couple of months before surgery. This might help to stop bleeding.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Soumya (4 minutes later)
my surgery will be on this wednesday , do you suggest that I need to go a head with this surgery ?

Answered by Dr. Soumya (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Postpone surgery

Detailed Answer:

You can cancel the surgery and try the medicines i have mentioned. If you dont see improvement in next 2 months you can choose surgery.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Soumya (5 minutes later)
I am afraid that it might cause some side effect , because I am bleeding now , so if I choose to wait 2 months it might be wrong decision which might cause anemia.

The miscarriage date = February 22 2016
from that date till now I am still bleeding , so I think its enough to take a serious step with something surely will stop the bleeding , in fact I thought that medicine will stop the bleeding after few days , as long as that I need to wait 2 months with the medicine , so I would rather to choose the surgery. :(

What do you think ?
Answered by Dr. Soumya (21 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Try waiting for a month

Detailed Answer:

Waiting for 2 months will not make much difference. Anemia may not occur so soon.

You can wait at least a month before going ahead with surgery
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Soumya (6 minutes later)
Ok , I will ask my doctor here cause she did not exposure me to that medicine you mentioned. Then I will see what she can reply and I will return back to you with a decision.

Answered by Dr. Soumya (4 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Contact me directly in future

Detailed Answer:

Its good to discuss with your doctor.

Please contact me anytime in future directly by pasting following link in your browser:
Note: Revert back with your gynae reports to get a clear medical analysis by our expert Gynecologic Oncologist. Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Soumya


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What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?

Brief Answer: You can conceive again Detailed Answer: Hi, I saw your reports and understand your concerns. Following is my reply: 1) Your doctor is right. You need a curettage and testing of endometrium to know the cause of such thick endometrium and bleeding. 2) Alternatively if you wish to avoid the surgical procedures, request your doctor to prescribe you tranexamic acid tablets which are capable of stopping such bleeding. 3) Your blood tests and other reports are normal and i see no reason to worry. 4) This bleeding is likely to be from thick endometrium and nothing else. 5) You will not have any problem in conceiving again and you can be relaxed about it without worrying. Let me know if you need anymore help. Regards