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Can I Have Cheese And Paneer While Breast Feeding?

Posted on Wed, 24 Jun 2015
Question: Hi I delivered a baby 55 days ago and I'm exclusively breast feeding can I take cheese paneer potato now and tell me foods I should avoid during breast feeding
Answered by Dr. Ramadevi Wani (56 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Eat healthy food

Detailed Answer:

Welcome to Healthcare magic. I am Dr Ramadevi wani.
I will be answering your concerns today.

There is no need to follow any special type of food while breast feeding.
Eat healthy diet. You can definitely eat Cheese Paneer and Potato.
Add whole grain bread, lentils, fruits, fresh vegtables, milk , in your diet. If you are vegetarian then you need to take vitamin B12 suppliments. If you are not having enough exposure to the sun and if you are not taking Vitamin D fortifired foods like milk, cereals etc then you need to take Vitamin D suppliments too

Avoid spicy food and foods with strong smell. Your baby may not like it.
Take citrus fruits like oranges in moderation or avoid it. It can cause irritation to babys tummy. Instead you can eat XXXXXXX or pinapple. Some brestfeeding mothers claim that onions and cabbage causes gas problem to the baby. However there is no research evidence regarding this. Yet better to avoid it.
Limit coffee or tea intake to two cups a day. The caffeine in it may cause restlessness in the baby. remember carbonated drinks and chocolate also contain caffeine.
Must avoid alcohol totally ( I do not know whether this applies to you). i have written this for information.
If you eat fish, avoid sea food high in mercury like meckrel, tilefish etc. If you are eating local fish, eat not more than 150 gms in a week.

It is a good practice to keep diet dairy . If your child becomes fussy ,gassy or develops rashes then it will be easy to identify which food was probably the cause for it and that food can be avoided later. Some babies are allergic to dairy products/peanuts etc. Keeping the dairy helps to identify it.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ramadevi Wani (30 minutes later)
Thanks Doctor my baby is passing gas daily its due to my food in take I'm not taking gassy foods even and baby passing stool only twice or thrice a day is that normal .Can we take hotel food rarely
Answered by Dr. Ramadevi Wani (34 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
You can go to the hotel occasionally

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Passing a bit of gas daily is normal. As long as baby is feeding normally, sleeping well and not irritated, you should not worry.
Passing stools just 2-3 times a day is also normal. Dont worry about it as long as baby is gaining weight.
You can go to hotel once in a while. There is no problem with it as long as the hotel is maintaining good hygienc standards. It is better to avoid raw food like salads in the hotel. Eat cooked hot food.
I hope this helps. If you have further concerns, I will be happy to answer.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ramadevi Wani (14 hours later)
Thanks doctor and I've typed wrongly he is passing stool only 3 or 2 days once is it normal and one more concern till last week he will wake up fully in the day and sleep at night now he is sleeping once taking my feed and seems to be drowsy and he is awake only few hours in the day can you please tell the reason why he is sleeping as if he is so tired and he is passing urine normally
Answered by Dr. Ramadevi Wani (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Consult Pediatrician.

Detailed Answer:
welcome back.

To my knowledge I feel the baby is sleeping a little more.
Some babies do pass stools once in 2-3 days normally.

Yet I suggest you consult Pediatrician once to make sure that he does not have any thyroid problem.

I hope this helps.
If you have further concerns, I will be happy to answer.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ramadevi Wani (58 minutes later)
Thanks sday he had cold so I have given sinarest instead 0.2 ml I've mistakenly given 0.5 ml will that harm baby though my baby more than usual he is not dull should I need to consult my paedriatician
Answered by Dr. Ramadevi Wani (17 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Please consult pediatrician.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.

To my knowledge the baby may become drowsy or sleep excessively. For the dose you have given he may not have any other side effects. But I am not a Pediatrician. So I advise you to consult Pediatrician.

If you have any further concerns, do write to me. I will be happy to answer
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Ramadevi Wani


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Can I Have Cheese And Paneer While Breast Feeding?

Brief Answer: Eat healthy food Detailed Answer: Hi Welcome to Healthcare magic. I am Dr Ramadevi wani. I will be answering your concerns today. There is no need to follow any special type of food while breast feeding. Eat healthy diet. You can definitely eat Cheese Paneer and Potato. Add whole grain bread, lentils, fruits, fresh vegtables, milk , in your diet. If you are vegetarian then you need to take vitamin B12 suppliments. If you are not having enough exposure to the sun and if you are not taking Vitamin D fortifired foods like milk, cereals etc then you need to take Vitamin D suppliments too Avoid spicy food and foods with strong smell. Your baby may not like it. Take citrus fruits like oranges in moderation or avoid it. It can cause irritation to babys tummy. Instead you can eat XXXXXXX or pinapple. Some brestfeeding mothers claim that onions and cabbage causes gas problem to the baby. However there is no research evidence regarding this. Yet better to avoid it. Limit coffee or tea intake to two cups a day. The caffeine in it may cause restlessness in the baby. remember carbonated drinks and chocolate also contain caffeine. Must avoid alcohol totally ( I do not know whether this applies to you). i have written this for information. If you eat fish, avoid sea food high in mercury like meckrel, tilefish etc. If you are eating local fish, eat not more than 150 gms in a week. It is a good practice to keep diet dairy . If your child becomes fussy ,gassy or develops rashes then it will be easy to identify which food was probably the cause for it and that food can be avoided later. Some babies are allergic to dairy products/peanuts etc. Keeping the dairy helps to identify it.