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Reviews For Dr. Olsi Taka

Shruti.shrivastava  | Sat, 27 Feb 2016



Pattymoltz0226  | Wed, 24 Feb 2016

I was very pleased and impressed with Dr. Taka


Chrishampton5555  | Wed, 24 Feb 2016

Dr Olsi Taka was very understanding of my situation. I updated my question after each reply he sent as to inform him more details. He was excellent at "paraphrasing" which made me feel that he actually read my questions as well as my "updates". He was very informative, showed concern for my situation, and empathized with my concerns and frustrations. Drs like Dr Taka are VERY rare and hard to find.... I wish he were my Neurologist, heck- wish he was any of my many Drs! I do have a great PCP, though who is just a PA-C :-)


Reunion  | Mon, 22 Feb 2016

Thank you Dr Olsi Taka.


Mwakanyua  | Sun, 21 Feb 2016

Thank you for your kindly att.


Cnc.dupre  | Thu, 18 Feb 2016



Becker.stephanie5  | Thu, 18 Feb 2016



Cliffgardner  | Thu, 18 Feb 2016

that gives me a start to seek a Doctor. Thank you.


Jocelynljacobson  | Thu, 18 Feb 2016

Very helpful response which provided exact information I needed.


Venture11  | Wed, 17 Feb 2016

Answer was very informative and enlightening. Many thanks. Will need to ask follow up questions in time as the situation is worsening.