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Suggest Ways To Deal With Commitment Issues In A Partner

Posted on Mon, 2 Mar 2015
Question: I've been with my fiancé for 5 1/2 years. He's never expressed a desire to get married however after feeling under pressure by friends family and even complete strangers he's decided to recently propose. I've always told him that if he doesn't want to get married that's ok however I would like to be with someone who can give me their commitment and is just as passionate about the relationship as I am. We've had many instances in the past were I've given him the benefit of the doubt and had confidence in him having friendships with sexy girls and ex lovers etc(however friendships only defned by being fb friends etc). On many occasions he said very hurtfull things to me like "you've never love me the way (girl) loved me" and" I slept with (girl) and she told me how big my d$&# was for 5 hours while we were getting it on" things like that. He's lied to me about women he's slept with on many occasions and when angry will add strippers and sexy girls to his fb page. I've expressed to him many times that its hard to forget the hurtfull things he says and would advice getting a fresh start,putting the past in the past and not doing that again however the hurtfull things he says and the constant following strippers makes me feel subjected to his expectation of women. I've told him how it makes me feel and hes expressed to me several times that hes a man and I expect to much from him. He said he should be able to look at women as much as hed like to an it doesn't matter what I think. We started working at a strip bar ironically to save up for a proposal(working there was his idea, saving up for a proposal was mine. So we bartend there together for 1 year have been engaged for 1 month. I found out before the engagement that he was searching up a stripper that we work with and he told me the boys at work suggested he look her up. I said"thats ok that they did but we did you feel you had to?" and replied" because the said her ass was mint". I told him this is not ok and asked him not to do it again and thought everything was ok, then we got engaged. I had just found out this week 1 month later, because I invaded his privacy and looked on his found after noticing abnormal distancing behaviour from him, that he has been looking up the same stripper numerous times and deleting and hiding it from me!!! I confronted him and he compared it to looking at porn and says it doesn't mean anything, He stares at her lots whil at work she shakes her ass thong and tits out in front of his face, he pretends not to look but everyone can tell he can't help it by his body language. I asked him if hes ever spoken with her before or if she spoken to him before ad even better how does he even know her name? He told me hes never spoken to her before and that she doesn't even notice him. Last night I found out that he lied about never speaking to her before, the girls at work told me (not knowing the private issues) that she has a thing for him and that she wont let anybody serve her but him and that she stands in front of his bar waiting for him everynight and they look at each other while shes dancing. I'm so upset I confronted him telling him if hes behaviour is so just then why is he lying and betraying my trust to hide it. I'm furious and told him I have to rethink the engagement and he said hes fine with it if we break up and that hes tired of putting up with my shit and that I'm psycho and crazy and only embarrassing myself if I tell anyone about what is happening. I'm I overacting by leaving him? They are both aware that they are attracted to each other and he was keeping it a secret. Also he admitted to looking at fb photos of her on a "LONELY NiGHT" when I was at work(he has a masturbation issue where he replaces our sex life with masturbation not caring whether or not I'm satisfied even thought I'm available for sex, he prefers to masturbate sometimes will go long periods not caring that I feel neglected.).
Answered by Dr. Nsah Bernard (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
There are many angles to look at

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for posting on HCM.

I am glad to be able to help you and very sorry for emotional and dis-comfortable situation you into.
In this case scenario, I will like how ever to be straight forward and XXXXXXX to you and I will allow you to take the final decision in this matter, because you are solely responsible for your happiness.
Let me start first by reciting a description of your boyfriend's abnormal behaviors that seem to put you in an emotionally dis-comfortable situation.

- He does not seem to respect you
- He does not seem to care about your happiness
- He wants to control you
- He wants you to accept any situation he puts you into including the ones that make you totally unhappy
- He does not seem to have time to give you
- He is obviously flirting/having a relationship with another woman
- He does not mind breaking up with you
- He has a job that exposes to many temptations and lifestyle that might not be good for any relationship (sedentary lifestyle)
- He runs the risk of exposing you to an STD
- He seems to have engaged you only on the basis of convenience i.e because you seem to be giving him unconditional love.
- He is suffering from masturbation addiction and addicted to pornographic/erotic stuffs
- Lying and intimidating you seems to not cause him any worries

Now, I hope my summary carefully describes your boyfriend (please if you are not in agreement you let me know).
Looking at him closely, I will say your boyfriend is way out of his league as concerns you. The fact that you took sometime off to present your worries to an online expert, simply tells me you seem to be a nice person that has found herself in an inconvenient relationship and needs to be counseled properly as regarding this situation.
I will like to start by answering your question. I do not think you are overreacting regarding this matter. His attitude is clearly out of order and is causing you serious emotional distress which in my opinion merits some close attention. It is clear you have tried to make reason with him and he seems not interested in making the relationship work.
By leaving him does not mean you do not love him, but you are making an informed wise decision to see if he might adjust and if he does not adjust then it is clear that he has no love and respect for you.
I believe, relationships are meant to have two or more people share their likes/dislikes and solve their problems together and in a harmonious spirit. Ones these mixtures are not put together and one person or both parties are no longer happy, it is healthy to place "a pause" on the relationship until either one or both parties readjust their behaviors sot that the relationship can be fruitful.

I will conclude by saying that, if you are not comfortable with his attitude, you are free to put a break on the relationship while hoping that he changes. Remember getting engaged plus subsequent marriage, is just another major step into your relationship and there is no need taking that major step that requires more devotion and ending up in an eminent divorce a few months or years after. Lifetime commitments should be taken serious by both parties and should not be 'joked' about as if someone was punishing you into it.

So, it will be wise get the opinion of at least two more people including at least one person that knows your relationship better. They are several relationship counselors that exist and it will be safer for you to seek their opinion regarding this before you taking your final decision.

Hope this helps and wish you the best.
Dr. Nsah

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj
Follow up: Dr. Nsah Bernard (2 hours later)
Your descriptions of his behaviors i feel are quite accurate and how most people describe him. On another note, we are both VERY physically attracted to one another but that isn't everything in a relationship. I'm also concerned that he may not change because we have "paused" twice already where I moved out both times, not because I wanted to leave him however wanted to maintain my life while being in a less hostile environment . We were both willing to resolve the issues but it seems to be the most important behaviourial issues get tucked under the rug. He often refers to his parents divorce and describes his mom as a whore because she cheated on his father with his father's best friends and many others. I've suggested that perhaps we could seek the advice of a professional because he seems to relate this to how/why he reacts certain ways to situations in our relationship. Ei: with the current situation he suggests that I move out and also says he'll boot me out like his father booted his mother out. I find this disturbing because i also come from a family of divorce and believe that its more incentive to learn from someone else's mistakes and work towards a meaningful long lasting relationship. Also these sexy women from fb, porn, work etc....I find it odd that he's displaying an affinity for these TYPES( women who don't respect themselves) when his family history is what it is. Are these two things and how he treats me in this relationship possibly related? Also if we decide to pause, how would you suggest respecting each others personal personal boundaries at work when asked about our SITUATION......
Answered by Dr. Nsah Bernard (6 hours later)
Brief Answer:
He has parental issues

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for your follow up.

I believe your boyfriend is suffering from parental issues and it is affecting his current life and will probably affect his future life. He is attracted to those kind of women because he knows that with them he knows what to expect and there will no intimate or strings attached.
Unless in a case where he is no longer interested in the relationship and finds it difficult to present himself before a professional to help. The way I am seeing things, he is likely never going to be settled in any relationship and will always present an attitude of insecurity. If you do opt, to spend the rest of your life with him, then be prepared to keep up and tolerate his behavioral issues and if you choose to break up with him, then staying or working in the same environment is surely not going to help and the issue of space will be debatable.
It is better you take the big step, then decide on what you want with your life.
Your life should not be defined by anyone person but only you. Relationships that exist in your way have a high tendency of ending up with a catastrophe but could also change for the best but will require both of you change the environment in which you are currently found.
Jealousy and dirty habits at times can be good in a relationship but when extreme because unhealthy and in your situation, I believe the relationship is unhealthy and needs to be fixed.

Hope this helps further and wish you the best.
Dr. Nsah
Note: For further guidance on mental health, Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Bhagyalaxmi Nalaparaju
Answered by
Dr. Nsah Bernard

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2012

Answered : 1704 Questions


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Suggest Ways To Deal With Commitment Issues In A Partner

Brief Answer: There are many angles to look at Detailed Answer: Hello, Thanks for posting on HCM. I am glad to be able to help you and very sorry for emotional and dis-comfortable situation you into. In this case scenario, I will like how ever to be straight forward and XXXXXXX to you and I will allow you to take the final decision in this matter, because you are solely responsible for your happiness. Let me start first by reciting a description of your boyfriend's abnormal behaviors that seem to put you in an emotionally dis-comfortable situation. - He does not seem to respect you - He does not seem to care about your happiness - He wants to control you - He wants you to accept any situation he puts you into including the ones that make you totally unhappy - He does not seem to have time to give you - He is obviously flirting/having a relationship with another woman - He does not mind breaking up with you - He has a job that exposes to many temptations and lifestyle that might not be good for any relationship (sedentary lifestyle) - He runs the risk of exposing you to an STD - He seems to have engaged you only on the basis of convenience i.e because you seem to be giving him unconditional love. - He is suffering from masturbation addiction and addicted to pornographic/erotic stuffs - Lying and intimidating you seems to not cause him any worries Now, I hope my summary carefully describes your boyfriend (please if you are not in agreement you let me know). Looking at him closely, I will say your boyfriend is way out of his league as concerns you. The fact that you took sometime off to present your worries to an online expert, simply tells me you seem to be a nice person that has found herself in an inconvenient relationship and needs to be counseled properly as regarding this situation. I will like to start by answering your question. I do not think you are overreacting regarding this matter. His attitude is clearly out of order and is causing you serious emotional distress which in my opinion merits some close attention. It is clear you have tried to make reason with him and he seems not interested in making the relationship work. By leaving him does not mean you do not love him, but you are making an informed wise decision to see if he might adjust and if he does not adjust then it is clear that he has no love and respect for you. I believe, relationships are meant to have two or more people share their likes/dislikes and solve their problems together and in a harmonious spirit. Ones these mixtures are not put together and one person or both parties are no longer happy, it is healthy to place "a pause" on the relationship until either one or both parties readjust their behaviors sot that the relationship can be fruitful. I will conclude by saying that, if you are not comfortable with his attitude, you are free to put a break on the relationship while hoping that he changes. Remember getting engaged plus subsequent marriage, is just another major step into your relationship and there is no need taking that major step that requires more devotion and ending up in an eminent divorce a few months or years after. Lifetime commitments should be taken serious by both parties and should not be 'joked' about as if someone was punishing you into it. So, it will be wise get the opinion of at least two more people including at least one person that knows your relationship better. They are several relationship counselors that exist and it will be safer for you to seek their opinion regarding this before you taking your final decision. Hope this helps and wish you the best. Dr. Nsah