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Dr. Amitkumar Sharma
Dr. Amitkumar Sharma

Internal Medicine Specialist

Exp 2 years

Dr. Manoj P Joseph
Dr. Manoj P Joseph

Internal Medicine Specialist

Exp 3 years

Dr. Paul Carson
Dr. Paul Carson

Internal Medicine Specialist

Exp 26 years

Dr. Samuel Urick
Dr. Samuel Urick

Internal Medicine Specialist

Exp 6 years

Dr. Philippe Nguyen
Dr. Philippe Nguyen

Internal Medicine Specialist

Exp 20 years

Dr. Theresa Woodard
Dr. Theresa Woodard

Internal Medicine Specialist

Exp 17 years

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Psychiatrist, Child

For the past three weeks or so I have been experiencing lower back pain , primarily on the lower right side over buttocks. The pain started with an intense tight sensation and then progressed to...

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